Argent Energy Tower Quad Dmg

Against Samuel Hayden's wishes, you stopped the production of Argent Energy and delayed the Hell Portal from opening. Still determined to bring the armies of Hell to this dimension, Olivia Pierce has taken an accumulator to the top of the Argent Tower and plans to use it to open a transdimensional rift, blowing open a portal into their world. This cannot happen. You must kill Olivia Pierce.

As the level begins we are outside on a catwalk and the AI Vega has informed us that there are Thrust Boots in a nearby hanger we can use to traverse the pipeline.

May 17, 2016  Mission 5: Argent Energy Tower is one of the levels in Doom 2016. It’s the one where you scale a giant tower and have to kill Olivia Pierce in the end. There are a bunch of collectibles on this map, including elite guard corpses, data logs, secret rooms and more. Helix: Underneath the spawn point for the chainsaw, quad dmg etc., there is a Cyberdemon. If you are looking at the same spawn point, near the two metallic looking columns, turn around, you will see 3 unwilling lying on operating tables.

In the place with the Argent Cell you can activate two pair of drones. The first pair is behind the glass and the second is precisely on the opposite side of the tower.

Mission Goals

The various Challenges and Exploration Goals for this mission are as follows:

Challenge 1: Chiropractor

Perform 4 Neck or Jaw Breaker Glory Kills on the Imp (attack from behind).

Challenge 2: Searching High and Low

Find 3 Secrets.

Challenge 3: Overkiller

Kill 15 Demons using Quad Damage.


The following will be found in this mission level:

  • x2 Collections (x2 Weapon Upgrade Tokens)
  • x7 Secrets (?'s)
  • x3 Elite Guard Bodies (x3 Armor Upgrade Tokens)
  • x1 Field Drone (x1 Weapon Upgrade)
  • x2 Argent Cells (x2 Stat Upgrades)
  • x2 Rune Trials (x2 New Runes + Unlock an additional Rune Slot)
  • x5 Weapon Upgrade Tokens (for kill efficiency)

That nicely describes the collection and challenge elements of the level - the strategic elements basically consist of not getting killed - and finding Olivia Pierce!

Important Note: Even if you have upgraded the suit so that it shows you all of the collectibles automatically it will NOT show all of the secrets. You cannot rely on that - you either need to search or you need to consult the guide.

Opening Stage

As the level and mission begins we have two basic tasks set out for us - locate the Thrust Boots, and Cross the bridge.

Moving along the walkway to the end we see that the path forward means jumping that gap - and when we do that is both our first Checkpoint Save AND it is our introduction to a new Demon: The Revenant!

Revenants are UAC Military operatives that have been methodically transformed into demonic combatants through cybernetic augmentation and repeated Lazarus Wave exposure. The transformation begins by attaching a Multiple Launch Rocket Battery (MLRB) onto each shoulder of the patient, coupled to an Argent-charged neural biochip implanted at the base of the cerebral cortex.

The MLRB allows the Revenant to both attack its target with multiple conventional rockets, and also to fire mobility boosters located under each MLRB. These guys are pretty tough!

The initial area has a few demons and more are found below - but once you actually drop below you need to end the lockdown by killing all of the demons here in order to get the hatches unlocked - since we need those boots to get back up into the first part of this processing area.

So once you have killed all of the demons, head into the door to the storage room and grab the Thrust Boots as well as the first collectible - Datapad on the floor by the wall in here.

There is a Medical Station inside, and some ammunition. There is also a Holo-Announcer that will tell you the following:

“Completed in 2127 based off a prototype developed by Samuel Hayden's research team, the Argent Tower, also known as the Argent Inductor, is the UAC's crowning achievement.”

“Argent Energy - give yourself to the cause.”

The boots basically allow you to double-jump -- which we need to do in order to get back up to the first area, which in addition to having a hatch we still can't use also has the first Rune Stone Challenge.

To reach it we need to go into the lift bay beside it and then climb on the crates in it and double-jump across to the ledge that leads inside.

The First Rune Challenge

This Rune Trial is for the Super Shotgun and has you use the Super Shotgun to eliminate 30 Unwilling before the timer expires. You start with 0:06 seconds and for each kill with the SS you get +2s (+4s for Glory Kills).

The reward for this Rune Trial is the Ammo Boost Rune. This increases the value of ammo received from demons and items as drops.

The best tactic for this Trial is to mix in Glory Kills every two or three kills or as often as you are comfortable to keep the timer healthy. Remember you have to reload for EACH SHOT with the Super Shotgun!

There is plenty of ammunition to reload from laying around - but you MUST learn the spawn pattern and you must NOT stop for ANY reason..

The pattern here is to move forward and, after killing the first group move down the stairs on the right and kill the next group. That takes care of the first 15 of the Unwilling.

After that and without delay, run to the back and middle area which is where the next group is spawning! Once you eliminate them, the final group is spawning along the upper area above here. Head up the stairs and eliminate them then follow the same path we started from at the start to get the rest FTW!

You will also find some Rocket Launcher and Chainsaw ammunition/fuel and a Large Armor Recharge in here.

Back on the Main Path

Instead of leaving the way we came, look above the opening we entered through and you will see the orange metal ledge - double-jump up there and ahead of you is a Large Armor Recharge. After you collect that, this is when it gets a little tricky.

When you are walking on the path here you get that odd squeak warning that there is a collectible nearby. There is - directly above you. But to get to it what you need to do is go through the left opening heading back, then at the end of that walkway, jump to the ledge above, then jump across to the deck over the gap.

Turn left and double-jump onto the pipe and then move a little left and drop down on the ledge of the entrance to the above-the-ceiling area which is where you will find the Argent Cell. Use that to upgrade whatever you like - I chose Ammunition this time again because running out of ammo sucks.

Once you have that and the ammunition you want, head out onto the outside deck and jump onto the pipe out there, then across the gap and head towards the marker.

As you move along the path you will reach a point where you pass through two cage-like constructs. Look to the left and you will see that across the way is a set of stairs going up - you need to climb on the roof of these and then jump across, then jump to the deck with the stairs and go up.

At the top, after you fight some Unwilling, you will find a Large Armor Recharge, then across the bridge into the next area you will find the Field Drone! Upgrade the weapon of your choice, then grab the Datapad on the counter to get the second Revenant database entry.

If you use the other exit and go all the way around on its catwalk you find another Large Armor Recharge - and you can use one of the two ledges here to jump down to the bridge/pipe if you don't choose to backtrack to where we got here from.

Chiropractor Challenge

On the way to the end of the bridge where you have to jump the gap is the ideal location for completing the Chiropractor Challenge as there are more than enough Imps here, and more important you have plenty of room to use the Combat Shotgun to stun them, then do a Glory Kill from behind to get this without putting yourself at too much risk.

We strongly suggest that this is the place to do this one.

Either way once you have collected everything from this side and completed the Challenge you end up in the same place, which is at the end of the broken bridge across which you have to jump.

Other Side of the Bridge

Jumping this gap gets you your next Checkpoint Save. BEFORE you do anything else, after you jump move forward and to the right and look down - and you will see Elite Guard Body #1 below you on the deck.

Might as well drop down and collect the First Armor Upgrade Key now. Claiming this Key also completes the Challenge: Searching High and Low as this is our third Secret.

When you reach the top of the area to get back on the path you get a CS of Olivia - looks pretty gruesome right? You should also notice that your map has updated with some new icons - the AutoMap Terminal, a Collectible, and a Health Station.

After you force open the door here on the left is the Collectible Datapad with the second entry for the Summoner Demon. Grabbing the Map Update reveals that there is a LOT of this Tower left to go!

The Holo-Announcers here repeat the previous message and offer a new one that is worth listening to. Just saying.

On the off-chance that you never found the Super Shotgun in the earlier level you will find a dead marine with one here. It will function as an ammunition reload if you already have it.

The Tower Base

When you are ready force open the hatch on the other side of this room and you will enter the Tower Base.

Ahead there is something of a battle to complete as you face a bunch of demons - including two relatively weak Summoners. Once you complete killing those you will Checkpoint, and if you look at the map you will see that the route ahead goes both up AND down.

Overkiller Challenge

Above here is the Power-Up for Quad Damage - which is the Power-Up that is required for the related Challenge just so you know.

The idea with this one is you kill 15 demons in any manner WHILE the Quad Damage Power-Up is in effect. If you are fast you should be able to kill 8 or more off of this one, then you can get the rest off of the next Power-Up you encounter.

Back on the Main Path

On the platform inside is one of the special Ammunition Crates that resupplies multiple ammunition types. To get past this you need to jump down on the track bottom and follow the containers to the right and then drop down to the unused track below. Go ahead and run to the end of that unused track and then check your map to reveal the collection locations for the following:

  • Collectible Doll #1 -- Orangeguy (UAC Pistol Model)
  • Datapad -- Argent Energy II Entry
  • Elite Guard Body #2
  • Medical Station

Go ahead and collect all of the above BEFORE you move forward from this area.

The first two - the Datapad and the Guard Body - will be wicked easy - the Doll though, requires you to go out onto the track then climb up using the ledges and ducts there, then following the upper containers into that top track before dropping down onto the ledge with the Doll. You can consult the video if you have trouble with this.

Once you have collected those, drop back down and make your way to the end of the path and you will see a hatch you have to drop down into.

Sub-Boss Battle Session

At this point you are about to be introduced to a new demon - the Mancubus! Actually that is a good thing since as you probably are aware, the Mastery for the Combat Shotgun Charged Burst Upgrade requires you to kill 5 of those with the Charged Burst. Food for thought?

There are several Large Armor Recharges in this area, and if you use the Charged Shot you should very easily be able to take out three of the Mancubi here at the start and at the end of the battle you should get your fourth kill of a Mancubi, which means you really only need one more of those bad boys to complete that Mastery for the Charged Burst for the Combat Shotgun and how about that?

Once you finish killing the fourth Mancubi and his minions that completes the lockdown challenge and the area is unlocked. There is plenty of HP and ammunition pickups here for you to nicely recover.

Here is your second Quad Damage Power-Up if you want to work towards that Challenge as well. You actually should be able to complete that here.

When you have completed your looting/Challenge go to one of the green-glowing lift controls and use it to go up, whereupon you will be raised to a level you can jump to the other lift thingies and ride them up to the top of their travel path whereupon you can then jump to the ledge for the next level.

Collectible Doll #2 - Purpleguy

Midway up you will see that the second Collectible Doll which is the Purpleguy (Summoner Model Collectible) has been added to your map - head over and collect that now.

Reaching that doll was a bit tricky as it requires some exceptionally exact jumping. To be honest this placement is the sort of thing you expect in a Halo game, not DOOM! But there you have it. It is worth collecting so keep at it until you get the jump just right - right?

What we found worked best was to drop down from above by edging over the side and then falling onto the platform with the Doll.

Mid-Tower Level

When you reach the Mid-Level you get another Lockdown and you have some battling to do! There is plenty of HP pickups so you should have a relatively easy time of it.

Once you have killed all of the demons and the lockdown is lifted, look at your map - you will see that there is a Large Armor Refill and Argent Cell #2 as well as a Quad-Damage Power-Up revealed on the map!

Be an idea to at least collect the Armor and the Argent Cell, right? You upgrade what you like but we are going for another Ammunition upgrade. You just cannot have too much firepower!

Activate Drones

The panel we are supposed to use to activate the Drones is in the same room as the Argent Cell so hit that on the way out and then use a drone to fly up to the top area by jumping on top of one.

Once you have the drones activated and BEFORE you continue along the main path there is one minor detour we need to complete - and that is finding the Classic DOOM Room!

The Classic DOOM Room

Argent Energy Tower Classic Map

After you have activated the drones head out into the drone area and use the drone that docks in hatch 4-A -- ride it up to the port above and jump across - and you find the DOOM Room Lever.. Pull that and then ride the drone back down and the DOOM Room is where port 4-A was.

Head inside to claim that now! That will remove one of the remaining “?” from the list by the way. So good on ya!

Back on the Main Path

At the top you want to jump onto a ledge and then IMMEDIATELY run to along jumping until you reach the cargo ring which is a safe place to stand. Make your way to one of the arms that shoots out and wait for that to happen so it takes you quickly to the center, where you jump on the platform there, then make your way around and across then follow the platforms up until you can use the charging arm to get up to the ledge that leads into the next area.

Jump across and enter the door here, then follow the hallway, killing all of the demons you encounter. At the end of the hallway you come to another set of tracks with containers moving on them, and your map then gets updated with the following new icons - which you will want to collect!

  • Rune Trial #2 -- Equipment Power
  • Elite Guard Body #3
  • Quad-Damage Power-Up (we list this for reference for your Challenge Run)

Right so first Rune Trial #2 - which just requires a jump across the track and up onto the ledge then down onto the metal deck with the Rune on it.

Rune Trial #2 - Equipment Power Rune

For this Trial you use the Combat Shotgun to eliminate 10 Unwilling with explosive barrel damage before the timer expires. In this case the timer starts with 0:12 and you gain +3s per kill with explosive barrels.

Sounds easy enough but in fact just like the previous Trials it requires some basic strategy and a trick.

What we found worked the best was to work right-to-left and try to fix on a barrel nearer more than one Unwilling while all the while avoiding the Unwilling since we start with low health and cannot take any damage.

Completing this Rune Trial also unlocks the second of the three Rune Slots, which means you can now have two Runes active at one time.

Elite Guard Body #3

On your way back into the hall and cargo area instead of jumping down where we were, jump up to the next level above, then head right and into the alcove and jump to the ledge where you will find Elite Guard Body #3.

Collect the Armor Upgrade Key from that now.

Back on the Main Path

the path ahead means climbing these terraced ledges here, so head up to get to the last long hallway, and then follow that to the left to hear from Olivia.

In the right corner (facing the lift) is a new thrown weapon to collect - Hologram - which is basically a Holocaster that discharges an invisible cloud of ionized Argon, which a camera then uses to project an image through. Basically it is a decoy device. So yeah, grab that!

We need to shoot the brakes off of the lift in the shaft BUT before we then use the green marker path to climb up to the next level, we FIRST need to look DOWN that shaft. See that open passage a good ways down and across from you?

Argent Energy Tower Lever

What you need to do - and will WANT to do - is jump so you are falling down that far side of the shaft and then a bit before you reach the opening use the jump button again to slow down via the double-jump mechanism, and you will nicely end up in that opening.

Where you will find the Gauss Cannon!

That's right, here is our next weapon collectible AND the final Secret and “?” for this level. Well done you!

Now that we have that, use the lift door override console in this alcove to open the lift door across the shaft and jump out. Now all we need to do is backtrack up to the lift level above so we can climb the shaft and then trigger a brief CS in which Olivia completes her task then we basically battle until the timer counts down and ends the level.

Well clearly THAT was not very satisfactory!

Argent Energy Tower Quad Dmg Price

Completing this Mission / Level unlocks the Achievement: Into the Unknown (15g) Warp to Hell.

Wrapping this Level Up

At this point if you look at your summary you should have ALL of the discovery and secret items and at least two of the three Challenges and possibly ALL three. If you do not have all three then chances are the one you are missing is Overkiller - but hopefully you got that.

If you did not, it would be an idea to go ahead and play through this level again in order to unlock that.

Argent Energy Tower Quad Dmg System

And speaking of unlocks, take a moment to examine your weapons for challenges you should be working - and look to your Runes as well because at this point you SHOULD have some open Rune Upgrades to complete and weapon mastery tasks as well - and you should be both familiar with all of those AND working on them.

Argent Energy Tower Quad Dmg Download

Really. It gets very important later that you have those items upgraded. Trust us on that. So important that it is worth replaying a level or two JUST to upgrade all of those. Just saying.