Best Dmg Discipline For Powetech

03.22.2017 , 09:02 PM | #1
Just wondering what everybody thinks are the most fun disciplines to play under each class and why. Opinions welcome!.
There is a lot of info on which are the best for PVP with highest DPS etc. But what about PVE in 5.X for those that don't do PVP and don't need to spec for it?
Just using Gunslinger as an example. Dirty fighting gets the highest gunslinger DPS, but in some cases in PVE I felt like Sharpshooter (which gets the lowest DPS) seems to work better in some situations (could just be my unskilled play style and the fact that the gunslinger is not max level) and seems like I burn energy less quickly.
charged shot - Aimed Shot - penetrating rounds seems to take less time than
charged shot, Shrapnel, vital, hemorrhaging, Wounding, speed shot, with more cast duration thought the amage output is higher. Wounding shots does look cool, but then virtually ever ability of significant damage is just unleashing a 3 second barage of shots at the enemy with slightly different appearance and effects
But would like to hear everyone's thoughts on all the classes.
I have also found AImed shot to be useful since it can ambush/snipe down some ( I don't know what to call them) the npc's that call in reinforcements before they have the chance
Also some of the utility skills seem like they favor PVP more and have less PVE relevance. 25% on sweeping gunfire might actually be useful when mowing down mobs enmasse given the amount of damage.
Best dmg discipline for powertech engine

Best Dmg Discipline For Powertech Engine

05.16.2015 , 05:26 AM | #1
Hi friends,
I'm a bit confused and have difficulties choosing a discipline for pure PvE gameplay.
As I*understand, sharpshooter should do more damage but is not very mobile and dirty fighter is focused on dots and mobility but does a little bit less damage overall (but survives better). Saboteur is more PvP oriented right?
So, which discipline is better if I had to chose only one for HM raids?
Thank you for helping

Question What is a good build for power tech Bounty Hunter? Which discipline suits that the best? I'd take the increased flame sweep range and damage then put.

Best Dmg Discipline For Powertech 1

Best Dmg Discipline For Powetech

Best Dmg Discipline For Powertech 2

  • Dec 22, 2016  Advanced Prototype still has some of the best burst currently in game due to off the global cooldown Shoulder Cannons, combined with Explosive Fuel and an auto crit on Energy Burst every minute (with the 6 piece set bonus), as far as damage goes, this is the #1 thing you are bringing into a raiding environment.
  • Powertech or Mercenary Bounty Hunter? Powertech or Mercenary Bounty Hunter? Which is best for just leveling and overall fun? Which discipline would be the best and with what Crew skill? Just for completing the story and having an easy time with it. Try AP on the powertech or IO.