Cernos Riven Dmg Ms Status

Impact Damage is one of the three physical damage types. Impact damage is effective at quickly draining Corpus shields, but it does comparatively less to Corpus and Grineer bodies. Impact damage's status effect is Stagger, causing enemies to flinch and recoil backwards. Subsequent procs eventually culminate into Knockdown. However, Ospreys, Bosses and Tenno are immune. Viral Damage is one of the six secondary elemental damage types, composed of Cold and Toxin elements. It deals increased damage against Grineer and Corpus bodies, but reduced damage to most light Infested foes. The Viral status effect is Virus, which reduces a target's current and maximum health to 50% for 6 seconds. The damage of the infecting shot is applied before the Viral proc reduces the.

Title. Grew tired of the game and decided to sell my account. The price is 50€, preferably via PayPal and below are the contents of the account.Cernos Riven Dmg Ms Status
Exca Umbra, Frost Prime, Hydroid Prime, Mirage Prime, Nekros Prime, Nidus, Nova Prime, Octavia, Saryn Prime, Trinity Prime, Valkyr Prime, Volt Prime, Wisp
Akjagara Prime, Amprex, Arca Plasmor, Astilla, Atomos, Cernos Prime, Fulmin, Galatine Prime, Glaive Prime, Gram Prime, Gunsen, Ignis Wraith, Kohm, Lanka, Lesion, Orthos Prime, Pandero, Phantasma, Pyrana Prime, Redeemer Prime, Rubico Prime, Silva & Aegis Prime, Skiajati, Staticor, Stradavar Prime, Tenora, Tiberon Prime, Tipedo Prime, Venka Prime, Zarr, Zenistar
Arcanes - all max ranked
Acceleration, Avenger, Awakening, Fury, Guardian, Momentum, Pulse, Rage, Strike, Tempo, Velocity
Magus: Elevate x2Status
Carrier Prime, Helios Prime, Amesha, Itzal, Imperator Vandal, Prisma Veritux
All of the items listed above come with installed reactors, exilus slots and several forma to enable a plethora of builds! The account also has most primed mods, umbra mods and other must haves like the status mods.

Cernos Riven Dmg Ms Status 1

Currently there is also a 75% discount on the account running! (46h from the time I post this)

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Cernos Riven Dmg Ms Status List

Riven CAN go mid. There are a few reasons why mid isn't ideal for her:
1) Riven tends to be countered pretty hard by CC, which mid mages tend to have a lot of and typical top-lane bruisers don't so much. Since it's just 1v1, this CC is not the end of the world for her.
2) Mid champs are almost always ranged, or have ranged harass. Riven can deal with this because of her shield, but it's slightly better when she doesn't have to.
3) Riven has great burst, but AP mids tend to have better burst. In general, Riven prefers having the extra length of top lane so she can get kills without tower diving (which she'll have to do almost all the time going mid).
Again, all three of those are totally surmountable and they don't stop Riven from going mid, they just make top a slightly better place for her.
Now, here are a few reasons why it's better for the team if Riven goes top:
1) Top lane is longer which makes it easier to gank. AP mids tend to be poor at escaping ganks, so they go mid because it takes less time to get to back to your turret. Riven's 4 minidashes, her shield, and her stun all make it relatively easy to avoid ganks, so she'd probably die less top than an AP mid would.
2) Because top is longer, it gives the bruiser the AP carry will be facing more time to kill them before they can hide under their turret. On the other hand, the additional distance doesn't help burst casters (since their spells will still be on cooldown), and DPS casters don't typically outdamage bruisers early on so well.
3) If your team is Purple side, the AP carry will be on the wrong side of the map for your blue buff. Riven doesn't need the buffs, sure, but most junglers give 2nd and 3rd blue to their mid anyway. Riven is self-reliant, which means she can't use the advantage of mid's guaranteed blue proximity and, by taking the spot, prevents her AP carry from taking advantage of it half the time.
4) Top lane is further away from the fountain than mid lane. Most AP mids have pretty low mobility, whereas Riven can QQQE on her way back to her turret, making the extra distance matter less to her.
So basically, Riven mid is very situational. If you have the right team, it could be a fun curveball to throw. Like, I could see sending Swain (if Blue-side) or Kennen top and Riven mid against a LeBlanc or Veigar.