Does Dmg Reduction Work With True Damage

Maximum Damage Reduction % ?
I noticed that my sorceress is very fragile to physical damage and the general idea is to avoid melee mobs as much as possible and make sure your magical resists are high. Well, ranged attacks also hurt and are counted as melee and some mobs move so fast that they are on me in 1 second and unless I have fired off my spell or TPed away I am as good as dead.
Now I am building a meteorb with max block and will be using a shako + stormshield so supposedly this is a good build for tanking off those first hits until I get off my spells or TP away (to leave merc to the job). I saw to my suprise that the shako + stormshield has a whopping 45% damage reduction, which supposedly means that any melee damage toward my mage will be reduced with 45%.
I then checked that a high (but expensive) item on my wishlist is of course Chains of Honor runeword - which adds another 8% damage reduction. So my question then became, is there a max here, like resists? I think someone mentioned max was 50% somewhere but is that true? If not, what else should I try to kit up for to get max damage reduction?
Also, will any normal damage reduction (the ones being a percentage) be subtracted in addition to the percentage reduction? Any pointers to how this is calculated would be be very helpful. There are certain places I wish to handle melee damage better than others, so a quick gear change would be nice. If you know any good dmg reduction items, please write them here. So far I have found Ber runes (expensive) to have 8% damage reduction each.
Btw, I PvM only, no PvP.

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What I want to know is if True Defense applies after all other damage reduction on normal enemies. Like, if an enemy deals 100 dmg to you and your 90% reduction defense reduces it to 10 dmg would 5 True Defense then reduce that to 5 dmg taken? Jan 29, 2020 Nothing says reflect does true damage. I understand that it should as per its explanation. To me the “any” damage from the below quote suggests that the type of damage is taken into consideration, be it normal dmg or true dmg, hence why I understand it is not consistent with the way it should work.