Does Finisher Dmg Affect Bladestorm

This article is about the warrior ability. For other uses, see Bladestorm (disambiguation).

True Damage does not possess any applicable status procs on its own. True Damage is a hidden, unique damage type which has no damage modifier against any health (including shields) or armor type and ignores the damage reduction from Armor, therefore it will cause the same amount of damage against any enemy. It is primarily available through most melee finishers, but also used by Bleed and a.

Usable by
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Level learned


Related buff

Bladestorm is a warrior ability available at level 65 for Arms, and at level 100 as a talent for Fury. It deals 100% additional damage for Fury.


Dmg mori model dv5100 how to replace 3 volt battery. Bladestorm is an ability with a number of uses:

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  • Can deal a huge amount of damage when multiple targets are within range.
  • Can be used for removing snares and roots and making you immune to most forms of crowd control.
  • Can be used if low on rage to maintain DPS while regenerating it.
  • Can be used to instantly dispatch any number of low level enemies.

Tips and tactics

  • Warriors in Bladestorm can only be stopped if killed.
  • When snared or rooted, Bladestorm can be used to stay on your opponent, as well as dealing respectable single-target damage. It can also be used as a defence against incoming crowd control effects such as [Polymorph].
  • You cannot use any other abilities during Bladestorm. This can make it very easy for some classes to escape you, without fear of [Charge], and prevents you from interrupting using abilities such as [Pummel]. If needing to interrupt healers or chase ranged types, consider not using Bladestorm. You can also cancel Bladestorm prematurely by right-clicking the buff, or by using the following macro:
  • Bladestorm does stack with warrior buffs and abilities such as [Recklessness]. This ability must be triggered before using Bladestorm.
  • Since warriors in Bladestorm usually deal a lot of damage, and cannot use any other abilities, Bladestorm often generates a large amount of rage. Choosing to Bladestorm when you are already low on rage is ideal, preventing your DPS from dropping and getting maximum benefit from the ability. Burning spare rage with abilities such as [Heroic Strike] before Bladestorming can allow you to minimise rage wastage.
  • Bladestorm can be used while charging, jumping or falling. Since Bladestorm's first whirlwind is performed instantly, be sure not to waste any of its duration while still out of range of your targets.
  • Warriors still deal normal auto-attacks while Bladestorming.
  • Fury warriors attack with both weapons during Bladestorm.

Defence against Bladestorm

Bladestorm has a number of weaknesses:

  • The warrior is unable to use any other abilities during Bladestorm, such as [Charge] or [Pummel]. Abilities such as [Blink] and [Disengage] can make Bladestorm worthless if timed correctly.
  • Bladestorm's damage output is most effective against groups of enemies. When in groups, prevent this by running in different directions. The warrior will have to choose a single target to chase, at most dealing a fraction of the ability's potential damage and largely wasting the cooldown.


  • The unusual description of the old version ('you do not feel pity or remorse or fear and you cannot be stopped unless killed') is a reference to the 1984 film The Terminator.
  • Bladestorm is the ultimate ability available to the Grom and blademaster hero units in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Samuro in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.
  • Bladestorm is one of Samuro's Heroic Abilities in Heroes of the Storm.

Patches and hotfixes

  • Hotfix (2016-10-25): 'Bladestorm now deals full damage in PvP situations.'
  • Patch 7.1.0 (2016-10-25):
    • Damage increased by 8% for all specs.
    • Now available at level 65 for Arms (was 100).
  • Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): No longer available to Protection. Damage increased by 5.73%.
  • Patch 6.2.2a (2015-09-14): Fixed an animation issue with Bladestorm that affected Dwarf Warriors.
  • Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Now a level-90 talent, swapping places with [Storm Bolt].
    • Bladestorm no longer allows use of Shouts except [Demoralizing Shout] while active. It does still allow the use of Taunt, [Enraged Regeneration], [Shield Wall], and [Last Stand].
  • Patch 5.4.0 (2013-09-10):
    • Cooldown has decreased to 60 seconds (down from 1.5 minutes).
    • Arms: Bladestorm now deals 180% of weapon damage (up from 120%).
    • Protection: Bladestorm now deals 160% of weapon damage (down from 240%).
  • Patch 5.2.0 (2013-03-05): Now provides immunity to Disarm while active.
  • Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Now available for all specializations as a talent. Weapon damage reduced from 150% to 120%. Enables the warrior to dodge, block and parry for the duration but only perform Shout abilities.
  • Hotfix (2011-12-02): 'Bladestorm will now always grant immunity when it is cast.'
  • Hotfix (2010-12-21): 'Bladestorm now deals 150% normalized weapon damage as advertised. It was incorrectly dealing 100% normalized weapon damage.'
  • Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): Mechanics changed.
  • Patch 3.3.3 (2010-03-23): Warriors can now be Disarmed while under the effects of this ability.
  • Patch 3.0.3 (2008-11-04): Now breaks all snares and roots on the warrior when activated.
  • Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Added.

External links

Does Finisher Dmg Affect Bladestorm Work

  • Death knight
  • Demon hunter
  • Druid
  • Hunter
  • Mage
  • Monk
  • Paladin
  • Priest
  • Rogue
  • Shaman
  • Warlock
  • Warrior
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Correct me if I'm wrong it's been a min since I looked at the dual wielding passives and whirlwind, but the passive is an extra 20% for enemies under 25 % hp. And the whirling blades gives back stam, it's not a finisher. While the 20% extra damage is not bad, I wouldn't necessarily call that a finisher, especially compared to the damage bonus of the NB, executioner from 2 handed, or radiant destruction.

Does Finisher Dmg Affect Bladestorm System

Does Finisher Dmg Affect Bladestorm Free

So for DW it is an extra 10% damage against low health enemies. Whirling blades no longer gives back stamina but gives the major stam regen buff which is much much better than how it was before. Both whirling blades and sell tornado are ececutes. The difference is steel tornado has increased range and whirl blades has decrease vosg along with regen buff. So when a target is low health using DW you get a 300% bonus with either steel tornado or whirling blades. Plus you get the extra 10% damage on top of that for using dw. Bottom line is any finisher that scales at 25% is not m7ch help because you can use ur main dps with weaving to kill the player. Since 25% health on players is usually about 5 or 6 k. For pve those finishers work well though. So really the only execute worth using for even a stam nb is executioner cause it starts scaling at 50% health.