Dont Understand The Diablo Dmg Numbers

by DannieRay23 - 6 years ago show comments

Hi I don't understand the reduction in damage statement with Stone's. ' Stone Gauntlets(Item) - Put Stone Gaunlets in your cube instead for more survive and less damage. ' Why would putting Stone's in the cube provide less damage when you have Lefebvre's Soliloquy in the cube which doesn't provide any damage? Aug 13, 2019  Barbs would need to do maybe 100 times the damage they do now to match a LON StarPact Wizard in 4 player. Maybe even more. And no 100x is not an exageration. StarPact 1 shots elites in 150 4p games at relatively low paragon. People don’t understand how far ahead Wizards and Necros really are when it comes to damage in groups. Jan 26, 2016  Click through to read Blizzard’s full blog post with Diablo 3’s Damage Display Detailed: Engineering Diablo III’s Damage Numbers To work in software development, whether it’s for business, entertainment, or your favorite video game company, is to know that simple problems don’t always have simple solutions.

Hello everyone! My Name is Dannie Ray and I’ll be here every Saturday explaining all things theorycrafting so you can better understand your characters and the game you love, lets hope you haven’t forgotten all the math you’ve learned in school because we will finally have a chance to put it to good use.

Today we are going to look at Damage in Diablo 3, where does it come from? How is it calculated? How can we maximize our damage output? How can I figure out what the best possible build for me is?

All of those questions have one thing in common, and that is that they are a lot easier to answer once you know how Damage Calculations Work, so lets get into it.

Note: Remember that percentages are actually a division by 100, 500% and plain 5 are the same thing. By the same logic One Hundred Percent equals one

Stats and DPS:

There are many stats that help your DPS in one way or another, we have some that are reflected on the character sheet DPS like: Base Stat, Crit Chance, Crit Damage, Attack Speed and Min-Max Damage. We also have others that don’t, like: Elemental Damage, Specific Skill Damage, Cooldown Reduction, Resource Cost Reduction and more.

Since this is our first rodeo, we will look at a simplified version of the problem. We will analyze our DPS when we are spamming a single skill without worrying about resources and cooldowns. This means that on this article we won’t analyze the value that Cooldown Reduction and Resource Cost reduction bring to the table. (hint: It’s way more than you think)

A later guide will work on how to calculate the damage of your actual skill rotation, but for now lets master the basic Damage Formula.

Dont understand the diablo dmg numbers list

The DPS Formula:

At large, the Damage formula is just a multiplication of factors. You have your base weapon damage as a factor, your base stat as a factor, a crit derived factor, a skill weapon damage % factor, a damage to elites %, a damage to all skills factor and a few more. You have to multiply all together to figure out what your damage is going to be.

Sheet DPS = Base Stat Factor *Base Damage Factor * Crit Factor * Damage Inc. by Skills Factor * Speed Factor.

Actual DPS = Sheet DPS * Skill Weapon Damage Factor (*Damage to Elites Factor).

You might not understand what all of those factors are so let us take a quick look at each of them.

The Base Stat Factor:

Perhaps the easiest one to understand, it’s your DEX, STR or INT depending on your class.

If you are a Monk and have 7000 DEX then your Base Stat Factor is 7000% or just plain 70.

A Crusader with 5430 STR, has a Base Stat Factor of 5430% or plain 54.30.

The same applies to INT classes.

The Weapon Base Damage Factor:

This is the Damage your weapon says it does, plus the min-max damage on your jewelry. As you notice from the image above, damage bonus from rubies are automatically factored into the weapon.

Remember that dual wielding hits with only one weapon at the time and alternates between them, for simplicity sake we will asume you are not dual wielding.

Base Damage Factor = Weapon Damage + Jewelry Min-Max Damage.

The Crit Factor:

You likely know where to find your crit, but I’ll leave it here anyway.

This is how Critical Strikes contribute to your average damage. Imagine you have 50% Crit Chance and 200% Crit Damage. That means half your strikes are doing normal damage and half are doing 3 times its damage.

So if your base damage is 100 and you attack twice you should on average get one normal attack for 100 damage and one critical for 300 damage. That’s 400 damage over 2 strikes, or 200 average damage. You are doing double your base damage.

To get this factor you must multiply your Crit Chance and your Crit Damage and then add 1 (100%) in other words:

Crit Factor = (Crit Chance * Crit Damage) +100%

Consider the save values presented above, if you have 50% Crit Chance and 200% Crit Damage, then:


100%+100% = 200% = 2

Your crit factor on this scenario is 2, which means your crit stats are effectively doubling your damage.

The Skill Weapon Damage Factor:

Native Skill Weapon damage, Elemental Damage % and Specific Skill Damage % highlighted.

In the Example above, Hammer of the Ancients tells us that it does 640% weapon damage as fire. That value is it’s native Skill Weapon Damage%. This can be increased with the two magic properties highlighted abovie, +Specific Skill Damage% and +Elemental Damage%. Now, none of this is shown on your sheet DPS and it’s often overlooked because of it. In reality most of what makes or breaks a build can be found on this factor.

This is made out of three subfactors:

  1. Native Skill WD Subfactor: What the skill tells you, 640% for the example above
  2. Specific Skill Subfactor: 100%+Specific Skill %, 112% for the example above.
  3. Elemental Damage Subfactor: 100%+Elemental Damage %, 115% for the example above.

Both the Skill Subfactor and The Elemental Damage Subfactor stack additivelly within itself, if I added a 20% Fire Damage Bracers then my elemental damage would be 100% +15%+20% = 135%.

Skill Weapon Damage Factor = Native Skill Weapon Damage % * (100% +Specific Skill %) * (100%+Elemental Damage %)

That’s 824% Weapon Damage for our Example Barbarian, that’s a 8.24 factor.

The Damage Increased by Skills Factor:

Some skills will increase your total damage by a %, Barbarian’s WotB Insanity, Monk’s Combination Strike and many others contribute to this number. In the example above I’m using Fire Ally for a 10% bonus and Unity for another 10% (5% for the Enchantress and 5% for the Fire Ally), you can observe how this stacks additively with itself.

Just like Archon mentioned on an episode of Westmarch Workshop, things tend to stack additively within their own category.

Damage Increased by Skills Factor = 100% + Damage Increased by Skills%

The Damage to Elites Factor:

This is rather simple and it only applies against elites, my monk has 15% and the factor is calculated like this:

Damage to elites factor = 100% + Damage to Elites %

My monk’s Damage to Elites Factor would then be 115% or 1.15.

The Attack Speed Factor:

And to close things out we have the attack speed factor. This is the one that changes this from a Damage Formula to a DPS formula. The factor that shows how fast you attack, it’s pretty easy to calculate. It is simply your weapon’s base speed multiplied by your Increased Attack Speed. Once again, things get more complicated with Dual Wielding but we can save that for a later date.

The Attack Speed Factor doesn’t really need to be calculated as your character sheet will tell you what it is exactly, you can find it as “Attacks Per Second”, that number is in fact your Attack Speed Factor.


With all that out of the way, you can finally calculate the actual DPS you do when spamming a single skill. All you have to do is fill out the formulas presented above and multiply all of the factors together.

Now that we know about factors, we can see things more clearly. With a bit of practice you will be able to easily see how changing one of the stats on our gear will affect our total DPS

But this post is already too long so come back to next week for an all new edition of Basic Theorycrafting where we will go indepth on how changing gear affects our factors and in turn our DPS.


posted in NewsTags: Basic Theorycrafting, d3, damage, Diablo 3, Math., Patch 2.0.5, Reaper of Souls, theorycrafting
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Diablo II Monsters[e]
Animals • Demons • Undead
Complete Monster Listing
Modifiers • Experience
Champions • SuperUniques
Monster Categories
Animals • Demons • Undead
Act Bosses • Guest Monsters
Objects • SuperUniques
Uber Monsters
Act Bosses
  • Act One: Andariel
  • Act Two: Duriel
  • Act Three: Mephisto
  • Act Four: Diablo
  • Act Five: Baal
Monster Type
is a Monster
and a Demon
and a SuperUnique
and an Act Boss

Diablo is a Demon, a SuperUnique, and an Act Boss.

Different versions of Diablo appear in several locations throughout the game. His main and original role is as the boss of Act Four, but he also appears in two special events added in patches long after release; as Uber Diablo (who can replace any SuperUnique in the entire game) and as Pandemonium Diablo in Uber Tristram at the end of the Pandemonium Event.

  • 4Offense

Game Interactions[edit]

Diablo's original role is as the Act Boss of Act Four and must defeated to complete the Terror's End quest. This quest ends the game in Diablo II and enables access to Act Five in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. Diablo is found in the Chaos Sanctuary. He appears in the center of the large pentagram after the five seals have been opened and the three seal bosses have either been killed or lured out of the Chaos Sanctuary.

Diablo is the Lord of Terror and the youngest of the three Prime Evil brothers. The pursuit of Diablo and the battle to destroy his soulstone is the focal point of the game story and the lore in the game manuals for Diablo and Diablo II.

Like many of the monsters in Diablo II, Diablo was more difficult in earlier versions of the game. Prior to v1.08, his Firestorm (ground fire) attack could instantly kill almost any character who took it at point blank range since there were so many overlapping pixels of flames. Maximum fire resistance was essential along with fire absorption, and digging in for a long toe-to-toe fight with Diablo was almost sure suicide. Hit-and-run tactics had to be employed in order to survive back then.

v1.08 made Diablo much less dangerous and v1.10 nerfed him even further. Diablo's Firestorm does much less damage and his pink lightning hose no longer touches characters battling him at melee range, though it can still be quite dangerous to ranged attackers.


Diablo spent two centuries slowly working to corrupt the Soulstone that imprisoned him. In time, he was able to extend his influence into the surrounding area of Khanduras and corrupt both King Leoric and his archbishop, Lazarus. The King proved too strong to fully control so the Demon took possession of his son, Prince Albrecht. Diablo then began to shape an outpost of Hell within the catacombs that ran beneath the town of Tristram. By spreading terror into the surrounding countryside, the demon was able to attract many heroes who came to cleanse the land of evil. By the time the strongest of these heroes reached this goal, though, he had become fully influenced by the will of Diablo. In his twisted state, this adventurer believed that the only way to fully control the Demon was to plunge the shard of the Soulstone into his own head. This, of course, was exactly what Diablo had planned as the Demon now had an even stronger body to use to find his brothers and complete his ultimate plan.


Stats are displayed by difficult level: Normal / Nightmare / Hell.

The stats on this page apply only the regular version of Diablo, found as the act boss of Act Four. See the Uber Diablo and Pandemonium Diablo articles for details about those other incarnations of Big Red.

  • Diablo deals seven times his normal damage to player minions making it hard to keep mercenaries or summoned minions alive.
Name Level Experience Hit Points Speed Max TC/Rune
Diablo 40 / 62 / 94 44902 / 465,362 / 2,195,808
13818 / 90749 / 113,812
6 36/Dol, 60/Ist, 84/Zod


Diablo's stats are all preset. He does not get any random Monster Modifiers.

  • Diablo is vulnerable when charging, since he will run very slowly if slowed by various CC attacks, including cold attacks, the Holy Freeze aura, the Decrepify curse, etc. Ranged attackers can land many, many shots while Diablo slowly charges towards the location where they were standing when he began the charge.
Name Melee Attack 1 Attack Rating Melee Attack 2 Attack Rating 2 Charge
Diablo 19-49

Magical Attacks[edit]

Diablo uses a variety of spells to supplement his melee strikes. Several of these hit for physical and elemental damage making physical resistance useful for characters who wish to survive the battle.

Dont Understand The Diablo Dmg Numbers
Name Pink Lightning Cold Hand Fire Nova Firestorm Firewall
54-72 + 126-216/sec
126-144 + 234-324/sec
216-234 + 378-468/sec
Magic damage:
42-61 (8s chill)
69-97 (8s chill)
105-145 (8s chill)
Fire dmg:
8-17 + 24-38 (3-9 hits)
15-24 + 40-54 (6-18 hits)
24-32 + 62-76 (10-30 hits)
Fire dmg:


Like the other act bosses, Diablo does not regenerate hit points, unless you level up mid-battle by killing other monsters.

  • Drain Effectiveness tells what % of a character's mana and life steal apply to that monster. 100 is all, 0 is none.
  • Chill Effectiveness tells what % of a character's cold length applies to the monster. 100 is all, 0 is no freeze/chill at all.
Name Defense Blocking Regen Rate Drain Effectiveness Chill Effectiveness


208 / 1176 / 2534
20% / 40% / 50% --
100 / 50 / 0
25 / 15 / 10


  • Resistances over 99% are listed as immunities and monsters will take no damage from that type of attack.
  • Immunities can be 'broken' by skills that lower resistance, if the value drops below 99%. See the Resistances page for more details.
Name Physical Fire Cold Lightning Poison Magic


0% / 0% / 45%
33% / 50% / 50%
33% / 50% / 50%
33% / 50% / 50%
50% / 50% / 50%
0% / 0% / 0%


All SuperUniques (except for Uber Diablo) are found in roughly the same location every game on all three difficulty levels (Except for the Uber Monsters who are only found in the Hell Difficulty).

Name Location
  • The Chaos Sanctuary, Act Four. As the Act boss for the main quest run, Diablo appears in the center of the pentagram once all five seals have been opened and the three seal bosses are either dead or lured away from the Chaos Sanctuary.
  • Uber Diablo: Can appear anywhere, replacing the closest SuperUnique to a player. This version of Diablo is summoned by selling Stone of Jordan rings in an event added in the v1.10 patch.
  • Pandemonium Diablo: Found in Uber Tristram as part of the Pandemonium Event, a special quest event added in the v1.11 patch.


Don't Understand The Diablo Dmg Numbers 3

Aggh... The smell of life surrounds me.
Not even death can save you from me...

Don't Understand The Diablo Dmg Numbers 1

Monsters of Diablo II
AnimalsDemonsUndeadAct 1 BossesAct 2 BossesAct 3 BossesAct 4 BossesAct 5 BossesObjectsMonster InfoAct & Uber Bosses
Abominable - Animal - Baboon Demon - Bat Demon - Blood Hawk - Claw Viper - Death Mauler - Frog Demon - Frozen Horror - Giant Mosquito - Giant Spider - Hell Bovine - Leaper - Minion - Saber Cat - Sand Maggot - Sand Maggot Egg - Sand Maggot Young - Sand Raider - Scarab Demon - Siege Beast - Slinger - Spike Fiend - Suicide Minion - Swarm - Tentacle Beast - Thorned Hulk - Vulture Demon - Wendigo - Zakarum Priest - Zakarum Zealot
Blood Lord - Blunderbore - Corrupt Rogue - Corrupt Rogue Archer - Corrupt Rogue Spearwoman - Council Member - Death Mauler - Demon - Demon Imp - Fallen - Fallen Shaman - Festering Appendages - Fetish - Fetish Blowdart - Fetish Shaman - Goatman - Megademon - Minion - Minion of Destruction - Overseer - Pain Worm - Putrid Defiler - Regurgitator - Spike Fiend - Stygian Fury - Succubus - Suicide Minion - Tainted - Vile Child - Vile Mother - Vulture Demon
Bone Fetish - Finger Mage - Greater Mummy - Mummy - Oblivion Knight - Reanimated Horde - Skeleton - Skeleton Archer - Skeleton Mage - Undead - Vampire - Vulture Demon - Willowisp - Wraith - Zombie
Act One BossesAndariel - Bishibosh - Blood Raven - Bone Ash - Bonebreaker - Coldcrow - Corpsefire - Cow King - Griswold - Pitspawn Fouldog - Rakanishu - The Countess - The Smith - Treehead Woodfist
Act Two BossesAncient Kaa the Soulless - Blood Witch the Wild - Coldworm the Burrower - Creeping Feature - Dark Elder - Duriel - Fangskin - Fire Eye - Radament - The Summoner
Act Three BossesBattlemaid Sarina - Bremm Sparkfist - Geleb Flamefinger - Icehawk Riftwing - Ismail Vilehand - Maffer Dragonhand - Mephisto - Sszark the Burning - Stormtree - Toorc Icefist - Witch Doctor Endugu - Wyand Voidbringer
Act Four BossesDiablo - Grand Vizier of Chaos - Hephasto the Armorer - Infector of Souls - Izual - Lord De Seis -
Act Five BossesAchmel the Cursed - Baal - Bartuc the Bloody - Bonesaw Breaker - Colenzo the Annihilator - Dac Farren - Eldritch the Rectifier - Eyeback the Unleashed - Frozenstein - Korlic - Lister the Tormentor - Madawc - Nihlathak - Pindleskin - Sharptooth Slayer - Shenk the Overseer - Snapchip Shatter - Talic - Thresh Socket - Ventar the Unholy
Barricade - Barricaded Tower - Blood Hawk Nest - Catapult - Chest - Evil Demon Huts - Fire Tower - Flying Scimitar - Gargoyle Trap - Lightning Spire - Mummy Sarcophagus - Objects - Prison Door - Trapped Soul
Monster Info
Monster Basics - Guest Monsters - Boss Monsters - Boss Modifiers - Act Bosses - Uber Monsters - Experience
Act Bosses
Uber Monsters
Act Bosses:Andariel - Duriel - Mephisto - Diablo - Baal -
Pandemonium Diablo - Lilith - Uber Izual - Uber Duriel - Uber Baal - Uber Diablo - Uber Mephisto -

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