Offhand Dmg Two Weapon Fighting Pathfinder

Hey forum-lurkers,
We have two fighters in our adventure league game at the local comic store. One is dual wielding melee weapons and the other is dual wielding crossbows.
I've seen the erratta regarding how the loading of hand crossbows is handled. That's all very clear.
However, I am unsure about how the damage should be calculated.
A dual wielding meleer needs the the dual-wielding fighting style and duel wielding feat to gain their modifier with offhand damage.
A hand crossbow build needs crossbow expert as a feat, but does not need the dual wielding fighting style to gain their dex modifier to damage?
So does that mean that the dual wielding hand crossbow expert build is overall better due to higher hit rate with the archery fighting style?
I guess it works like this.
Crossbow expert + archery fighting style:
+2 to hit
Dex to onhand and offhand damage.
Better range.
Other feat bonuses.
Dual wielding fighting style + dual wielding feat:
+1 ac
Dex or STR to onhand and offhand damage.
Can now use 1d8 non-light weapons
Other feat bonuses.
Now it's range and accuracy vs potential damage gain and +1 ac?
I'm just trying to understand how the feats and fighting styles benefit both of these players differently so I'm not calculating anything incorrectly.
Thanks in advance,

Jul 17, 2012  Greater power attack, which the two-handed fighter gains at 15th level, improves your Power Attack damage bonus for using a two-handed weapon. You now gain +4 points of damage (and the normal -1 penalty) per four points of base attack bonus you possess, as opposed to the normal +3. Source Pathfinder Unchained pg. 135 You can spend any number of stamina points to reduce the penalty from Two-Weapon Fighting on attacks made with a weapon in your primary hand by 1 for every 2 stamina points you spent. This benefit lasts until the start of your next turn. You can’t reduce the penalty below 0.

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Two Weapon Fighting

  • Usage:Passive
  • Prerequisite:Dexterity 15


Two Weapon Fighting reduces the to-hit penalty when using two weapons at the same time.

Offhand Dmg Two Weapon Fighting Pathfinders

  • The penalty for your primary hand lessens by 2 and the one for your off-hand lessens by 6, so it becomes -4 (main hand) / -4 (off-hand) (instead of -6/-10 without this feat).
  • If the off-hand weapon is light, the penalties both decrease by another 2 points, down to -2/-2 (instead of -4/-8 without this feat).
  • For wielders of non-light weapons, Oversized Two Weapon Fighting was once recommended to bring their attack penalty down to -2/-2, but with the current game math, this is not necessary (or still recommended) - there are better feats to take.

After Update 5, an off-hand attack would have a chance to proc on any main hand attack now, instead of being predetermined on certain attacks. The default chance to proc an off-hand attack is 20%.

Offhand dmg two weapon fighting pathfinder kingmaker

Two Weapon Fighting increases the chance to proc an off-hand attack by 20%, bringing the total chance to 40%. Additional TWF feats increase the percentage chance of proccing an off-hand attack by 20% per feat, to a max of 80% with Greater Two Weapon Fighting.

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This feat also works for Handwraps users.

Improved Two Weapon Fighting Pathfinder

Additional chances to proc off-hand attack
  • Tempest enhancements, second and fifth core ability - 2x +10%
  • Shintao enhancements, Deft Strikes and Meditation of War (in Wind Stance)
  • Vistani Knife Fighter enhancements, Double Daggers - +20% (daggers only)
  • Raid weapon set with two Brilliant Crescents - +20%
  • Forest's Versatility - +5%

There's no benefit of having more than a 100% off-hand strike chance.


Weapons pathfinder
  • TWF provides no benefit to the use of thrown weapons.
  • TWF provides no benefit to the use of two ranged weapons - in fact, it is not possible to wield two ranged weapons simultaneously in DDO - but see Inquisitive enhancements.
  • A ranger is automatically entitled to Two Weapon Fighting at 2nd level, even if he does not have the prerequisite for it.
  • Single Weapon Fighting is mutually exclusive with Two Weapon Fighting.
  • A Fighter may select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
  • A Monk may select this feat as one of his martial arts feats.

See also

  • Combat Feedback for Update 5 thread by developer Eladrin
FeatRequirementsOffhand Strike Chance (Cumulative)Other Benefits


Attack penalty reduced to -4/-4 from -6/-10
(Attack penalty reduced to -2/-2 if offhand is a Light Weapon)


11 BAB, 17 Dexterity


Level 26, 28, or 29 Epic Destiny Feat

+5% Doublestrike
+10% Offhand Doublestrike

12 Strength, Two Weapon Fighting

Attack penalty reduced to -2/-2

15 Dexterity, Two Weapon Fighting

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+1 AC and +5 PRR when dual-wielding.

15 Dexterity, Two Weapon Fighting

+2 DR when actively blocking when dual-wielding.

Two Weapon Fighting Pathfinder Build

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