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Everything deals too much damage game is an absolute pain to play. It is impossible to make a tanky character. Life absolutely sucks. Game currently is a wasteful waste of time. Last edited by MasterTBC2 on Dec 10, 2016, 6:54:43 PM | Posted by MasterTBC2 on Dec 10, 2016, 6:19:32 PM |
Metamorph Master Craft Service in Metamorph My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch Metamorph Masters 8 level Crafting All Service all crafts mods Best Metamorph SC Master Craft Service Metamorph SC in MSC! Master Crafting Service in Metamorph MSC PM: TreeOfDead | Posted by on Dec 10, 2016, 6:25:30 PM |
177 | Posted by toyotatundra on Dec 10, 2016, 6:45:13 PM |
' lul not anymore! U MAD? | Posted by on Dec 10, 2016, 6:48:34 PM |
' HES STUCK IN THE PAST OK LEAVE HIM ALONE IGN: I_NO High warlord of the SUPER CUTE WALRUS CLAN - 'Girls can be complicated eh?' - 'Aka Apathy' | Posted by on Dec 10, 2016, 7:16:03 PM |
That's been the case for a very very long time, I don't think GGG cares? | Posted by Raudram on Dec 10, 2016, 7:36:48 PM |
I have no idea what to do to stay alive. I've learned that, unless I can instantly kill every monster, even one damage mod can kill me. I'm at 6230 life and 40/30 dodge plus a Quartz flask. I still get destroyed in breaches in high yellow maps. My gear and links would normally be more than enough to keep me alive, but it feels like shit this league due to how tanky they made some monsters. I've died in way too many breaches, plus a few other guys have one shot me. Monster damage is ridiculous now. I ran a Malformation map to unlock it earlier. The only 'damage' mods were enemy haste and Temp Chains. I'm Essence Drain, so Temp Chains doesn't really do anything. I died in a cold breach. I couldn't kill a super tanky rare or the adds fast enough, then he and some other buddies smashed me. It felt shitty. My guesses on how to stay alive are 'always reroll any damage mods, or skip breaches if you don't,' and 'skip breaches even without damage mods, idiot, they'll eventually get you.' I'm not skipping the league content in the league I'm playing, though. If I end up skipping the content due to the general shittiness of my computer's performance in a breach combined with the horrific lack of balance, I'll just stop playing the whole damn game. I'm not far off from that. | Posted by on Dec 10, 2016, 10:14:31 PM |
It seems to me map mobs are balanced for white maps and do not account for the need to alch/vaal high tier maps to have any hope in maintaining a map pool. So monsters suddenly deal exponentially more damage than your character is can possibly tank as ability nodes are, too, balanced around white maps. So the only way to make it through is to kill everything before it can touch you while still requiring a massive tank to survive the occasional stray shot. 'Into the Labyrinth! left step, right step, step step, left left. Into the Labyrinth!' | Posted by Mythabril on Dec 10, 2016, 11:20:05 PM |
Doesn't help that Breach monsters are pretty excessively overtuned, especially considering their sheer numbers. The rares hit like a freaking truck that's hauling other trucks and god help you if they're carrying auras (which they really should not be able to have.. enemy auras are most certainly not balanced to apply to 150 breach enemies at once), while the normals and magics still hit fairly hard themselves (and the magics are virtually indistinguishable from the normals, cuz the awful purple shader on all of them hides the blue). Last edited by Shppy on Dec 10, 2016, 11:59:30 PM | Posted by Shppy on Dec 10, 2016, 11:57:10 PM |
A tanky life based character is possible, mitigation options are just very limited. My solution is high regen (1k+), fortify, tempchains+enfeeble and endurance charges. | Posted by on Dec 11, 2016, 12:29:49 AM |
I will recommend you only one Gun which will help you a lot,M416 Is stable as well as this gun requires fewer bullets to kill your enemy.Also you should do too much camping,you have not to reveal your position fast. And the interested thing is that you have to shoot enemy when necessary,Always remain aware of your goal. Feb 09, 2013 I finished the first run of Borderlands 2 with a Zer0 Sniper-tree build at around level 36 without too much trouble. I started the TVHM run and, essentially, have had my posterior-dorsal handed to me. By doing all the side missions I can find, I've managed to claw my way up to level 40. But, I'm still dying ridiculously: I can barely handle the scags in the wilderness, let alone the real. Can dmg be opened on windows.
For instance 20% Physical Skill, not fire, cold, poison, etc. Fire dmg or cdr season 18. Preferably on anything you can get it on, Squirts, Flavor of Time, etc it's a big multiplier compared to multishot% or dexterity.