Radiant Dmg Dragon Born Breath Weapon

https://golnordic.netlify.app/refx-nexus-2-mac-1-dmg.html. Counter strike dmg free download. Platinum dragons have a cone of thunder and radiant damage breath weapon, so you could make a dragonborn's breath weapon do half and half. Also, thunder and radiant damage are relatively rare when it comes to monster attacks, so giving that dragonborn resistance to both wouldn't break the game.

Is dualies dmg per shot free. 2 mains of MPU - 33.3 dmg/shot (I don't know about 1 main & 3 subs since no one has chunks yet) So if someone steps in ink w/o Ink Resistance for even a second, then that's a fun little 3-shot-kill:) And if I remember correctly, 3 mains on Dualie Squelchers makes it. Jun 28, 2018  It has a decent sized magazine size of 18 rounds per pistol that deal 41-43 damage per round. At 41-43 damage per shot or 82-86 damage per headshot. SADPA Regional Defensive Multi-Gun Rules. DMG shooting events require use of practical handguns, rifles, shotguns, ammunition carriers and holsters that are truly suitable for self defence. DMG shooting events require the use of Rifles and Shotguns that are typical of what is. Must be shot out of the strong/dominant side.

Radiant Dmg Dragon Born Breath Weapon

Radiant Dmg Dragonborn Breath Weapon Requirements

Radiant dmg dragonborn breath weapon modsRadiant Dmg Dragon Born Breath Weapon

Radiant Dmg Dragonborn Breath Weapon System

Being that I am recently getting back into 4th Edition, and I have Hero Lab. I decided to play around with the 4E character creator and make a few characters. Starting with a Hybrid Paladin/Sorcerer, because I really like Hybrid characters, Paladin/Sorcerer is a wonderful combo back in 3.5 and still is now, and I also like Dragonborns.
Whilst I was reading the handbooks for those two classes however, I came to realise that actually, there is a lot of support for a Dragonborn Character. The Paladin class and the Sorcerer class both have really, really good feats and abilities that synergize well with it.. and when you add the Rod of the Dragonborn into the mix? Bonuses to the Dragonborn Breath can apply to pretty much any implement attack.. hence this build.
However, I have some concerns about the ability score spread, as well as the feat selection and timing. My character has a lot of damage, but I’m rather concerned about his ability to actually serve as a Defender, especially in Heroic Tier. So any feedback would be appreciated.
Also, Hero Lab doesn’t have Avatar of Io, so I don’t know if that might be a better choice for this build than the Chosen.
Character made with Hero Lab.
Arcantos, Dragonborn Hybrid Paladin / Hybrid Sorcerer 30
Morninglord, Chosen
+2 to Ability: Strength
Breath Type: Lightning
Bozak Draconian

Divine Spark: Strength, Charisma
Dragonborn Racial Power: Dragon Breath (Rac)
Sorcerous Power: Strength
Soul of the Sorcerer: Dragon Magic
Str 26 (+23), Con 14 (+17), Dex 10 (+15), Int 12 (+16), Wis 18 (+19), Cha 26 (+23)
Str 18 (+4), Con 12 (+1), Dex 8 (-1), Int 10 (0), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 18 (+4)
AC: 41, Fort: 43, Ref: 35, Will: 43
Hit Points: 172, Healing Surges: 10, Surge Value: 45 hp
Level: 30, Initiative: +15, Speed: 6 squares, Size: Medium, Senses: Normal
Arcana: +24, Diplomacy: +28, Intimidate: +30
Acrobatics: +15, Athletics: +23, Bluff: +23, Dungeoneering: +19, Endurance: +17, Heal: +19, History: +18, Insight: +21, Nature: +19, Perception: +27, Religion: +16, Stealth: +15, Streetwise: +23, Thievery: +15
1, Hybrid Talent: Soul of the Sorcerer: Dragon Magic
2, Ancient Soul
4, Draconic Challenge
6, Nusemnee's Atonement
8, Improved Defenses
10, Radiant Breath
11, Hero's Poise
12, Arcane Implement Proficiency: Rod
14, Thundering Breath
16, Resounding Thunder
18, Lightning Soul
20, Honored Foe
21, Draconic Triumph
22, Paladin's Truth
24, Trusted Spellcasting: Dragon Breath (Rac)
26, Strength Through Challenge
28, Concussive Breath
30, Divine Mastery
1, At-Will Power: Basic Melee
1, At-Will Power: Basic Ranged
1, At-Will Power: Burning Spray (Sor)
1, At-Will Power: Virtuous Strike (Pal)
2, Utility Power: Dragonflame Mantle (Sor)
6, Utility Power: Wrath of the Gods (Pal)
10, Utility Power: Maiden's Waking (Sor)
11, Encounter Power: Pure Glow
12, Utility Power: Rising Sun
16, Utility Power: Draconic Majesty (Sor)
17, Encounter Power: Hand of the Gods (Pal)
19, Daily Power: Corona of Blinding Radiance (Pal)
20, Daily Power: Lance of Dawn
22, Utility Power: Platinum Scales (Sor)
23, Encounter Power: Champion's Call (Pal)
25, Daily Power: Discipline the Unruly (Pal)
26, Utility Power: Renewing Dawn - Chosen
27, Encounter Power: Mother Claw (Sor)
29, Daily Power: Wyrm Form (Sor)
At-Will Power: Radiant Weapon (Mag)
Daily Power: Ring of the Dragonborn Emperor (Mag)
Daily Power: Ring of the Radiant Storm (Mag)
Daily Power: Rod of the Dragonborn (Mag)
Daily Power: Symbol of the Champion's Code (Mag)
Encounter Power: Dragon Breath (Rac)
Encounter Power: Dragonfear (Rac)
Encounter Power: Sohei Flurry
Radiant Weapon, Rod of the Dragonborn, Gift for the Queen Item Set
Starweave Greater Armour of Eyes, Belt of Vim, Life Charm, Many Fingered Gloves, Ring of the Dragonborn Emperor, Shadowband.
Ancient Soul +
Nusemnee's Atonement: Hit Allies with Breath Attack. Take the damage instead. Damage is the same as Dragon Breath, so regain Dragon Breath via Ancient Soul.
Burning Radiance + Radiant Breath: Dragon Breath does Radiant damage, so targets gain 10 Radiant Vulnerability. Question: If I use Nusemnee's Atonement to tank damage that an ally would have taken, do I gain Radiant Vulnerability?
Thundering Breath + Resounding Thunder: Dragon Breath does Thunder Damage, so is now Blast 4 instead of Blast 3.
Rod the Dragonborn + Radiant Breath + Thundering Breath: Powers focused through this implement deal Radiant, Lighting and Thunder damage. Thus gain the bonuses fron Resounding Thunder for size increase, as well as damage increases from other feats and items.
Nusemnee's Atonement
+ Lightning Arc: Hit Allies with Breath Attack. Take damage instead. Damage is electric, so Lighting Arc's extra damage triggers.