Raids Crit Dmg Vs Attack
Can i delete dmg files from my mac. Go to the Finder and click on a search box in the upper right corner. Then, enter ‘ pkg’ or ‘ dmg’, depending on what you`re looking for. In the appearing menu, select the following sections: Kinds - Disk Image. Right after it will show you all KPG or DMG files stored on your hard drive.
The first pair of tables shows the raw damage dealt with 4 ATK Spd/4 Crit/4 Crit DMG lines, and the last 4 lines being evenly divided between ATK and Pen. As you can see, the very first line in the left table shows the stat configurations for 4 ATK Spd/4 Crit/4 Crit DMG/4 ATK. Crit: Critical Chance a hit will use the Crit DMG bonus to a skill or auto-attack. 1500 Crit DMG: Critical Damage% bonus extra damage (100% + Crit DMG% of current attack is the crit dmg atk value). None Crit Resistance: Reduces chance of opponent's crit chance of both magical and physical attacks.
There is a monk, a fighter, a war cleric, a rogue, a druid, and a ranger that I guess doesn't show up that often.I like control or options for every situation. I wanted 3 warlock for the pact magic, but I felt that the 3rd level spells were better than pact magic.Keep n mind that at level 10 we can re-make our characters so nothing is set in stone, but I do want some ideas for the build, spells, etc. Thus I love the counterspell even though it is situational. Read phb or dmg first version. Yes, I have seen the guides, but with only using the PHB and DMG, what are your suggestions? There is a monk, a fighter, a war cleric, a rogue, a druid, and a ranger that I guess doesn't show up that often.I like control or options for every situation.
Raids Crit Dmg Vs Attack 3
I've seen allot of discussion over speed vs. damage, and crits vs. damage. So, I decided to put three builds of each (crits, AS, AD) through a testing sequence to determine which is better.
Each build consists of 3 popular items from each category, put on a level 18 Ashe with no other masteries, runes, buffs, etc. I chose Ashe because I tend to see her being used as a base for other tests like this, and because she can use Runaan's for the speed build. Each build's stats were calculated, then raw damage and damage w/ armor & MR were calculated.
The builds are as follows:
-Critical Chance Ashe:
---Phantom Dancer
---Atma's Impaler
---Infinity Edge
-Attack Speed Ashe:
---Runaan's Hurricane
---Nashor's Tooth
-Attack Damage Ashe:
---The Bloodthirster (Fully Stacked)
---The Black Cleaver
---Last Whisper
Here's the stats for each build:
-Crit Ashe:
---AS = 1.65816
---AD = 167.6
----Atma's = 27.255
-----Total AD = 194.855
---Crit Damage = 487.1375
---Crit Chance = 70%
-AS Ashe:
---AS = 2.984688 (Capped at 2.5)
---AD = 122.6
----Nashor's = 24
-----Total Damage = 146.6
---Crit Damage = 269.2
----One Runaan's Bolt = 71.3 (+ Nashor's = 95.3)
-AD Ashe:
---AS = 1.10544
---AD = 287.6
---Crit Damage = 575.2
----Armor Reduction = 0->5->10->15->20->25%
-----Armor Ignored = 35%
------Armor Penetration = 10
Here's the raw damage values (before applying armor/MR):
~~Each Ashe gets a free 'Focused' attack before the tests.~~
~~For AS Ashe, Runaan's total damage is included to show total damage give-out.~~
~~Also for AS Ashe, the damage from each individual bolt of Runaan's is included.~~
~~AS Ashe also could exceed the AS cap of 2.5 per sec., so I included that for fun.~~
-Crit Ashe:
---Focus = 487.1375
----100 Attacks >> [487.1375 x 70 (Crits)] + [194.855 x 30] + [487.1375 (Focus)] = 40,432.4125
----10 Sec. of Attacks (17 Attacks) >> [487.1375 x 12 (Crits)] + [194.855 x 5] + [487.1375 (Focus)] = 7,307.0625
-AS Ashe:
---Focus = 269.2
----100 Attacks >> [146.6 x 100] + [269.2 (Focus)] = 14,929.2 {+ [190.6 x 100 (Runaan's)] = 33,989.2}
------100 Attacks from Runaan's >> [95.3 x 100] = 9,530
----10 Sec. of Attacks (25 Attacks) >> [146.6 x 25] + [269.2 (Focus)] = 3,934.2 {+ [190.6 x 25 (Runaan's)] = 8,699.2}
-----10 Sec. of Attacks w/o Caps (30 Attacks) >> [146.6 x 30] + [269.2 (Focus)] = 4,667.2 {+ [190.6 x 30 (Runaan's)] = 10,385.2}
------10 Sec. of Attacks from Runaan's (25 Attacks) >> [95.3 x 25] = 2,382.5
-------10 Sec. of Attacks from Runaan's w/o Caps (30 Attacks) >> [95.3 x 30] = 2,859
-AD Ashe:
---Focus = 575.2
----100 Attacks >> [287.6 x 100] + [575.2 (Focus)] = 29,335.2
----10 Sec. of Attacks (12 Attacks) >> [287.6 x 12] + [575.2 (Focus)] = 4,026.4
By this point, my testing shows that AS Ashe is a very poor choice for damage give-out (although for DPS, AS Ashe has a higher ratio than DPA), and AD Ashe does about 75% of crit Ashe's damage. However, AD Ashe has both The Black Cleaver and Last Whisper, so when facing a target with armor and MR, AD Ashe could pull ahead. Here's my final calculations against a test target.
Actual damage values (calculating armor and MR):
~~Test target has 100 Armor and Magic Resist and no other buffs.~~
~~Btw, 100 Armor and MR gives exactly 50% damage reduction.~~
-Crit Ashe:
---100 Attacks >> [40,432.4125 x 0.5] = 20,216.20625
---10 Sec. of Attacks (17 Attacks) >> [7,307.0625 x 0.5] = 3,653.53125
-AS Ashe:
---100 Attacks >> [14,929.2 x 0.5] = 7,464.6 {+ Runaan's = 16,994.6}
-----100 Attacks from Runaan's >> [9,530 x 0.5] = 4,765
---10 Sec. of Attacks (25 Attacks) >> [3,934.2 x 0.5] = 1,967.1 {+ Runaan's = 4,349.6}
----10 Sec. of Attacks w/o Caps (30 Attacks) >> [4,667.2 x 0.5] = 2,333.6 {+ Runaan's = 5,192.6}
-----10 Sec. of Attacks from Runaan's (25 Attacks) >> [2,382.5 x 0.5] = 1,191.25
------10 Sec. of Attacks from Runaan's w/o Caps (30 Attacks) >> [2,859 x 0.5] = 1,429.5
-AD Ashe:
---100 Attacks >> [371.11904 (Focus)] + [189.5284 (1 BC Stack)] + [193.66984 (2 BC)] + [198.0126 (3 BC)] + [202.52792 (4 BC)] + [207.27332 x 96 (5 BC)] = 21,053.09652
---10 Sec. of Attacks (12 Attacks) >> [371.11904 (Focus)] + [189.5284 (1 BC Stack)] + [193.66984 (2 BC)] + [198.0126 (3 BC)] + [202.52792 (4 BC)] + [207.27332 x 8 (5 BC)] = 2,813.04436
The results? Well, an AS Ashe with just these 3 items clearly needs some help (maybe some Bloodthirsters?), and in terms of raw damage, crit Ashe wins over AD Ashe. However, against an actual in-game target w/ 100 armor & MR, AD Ashe really catches up. After 1 Focused attack and 100 more attacks, thanks to armor reduction/penetration, AD Ashe outdoes crit Ashe by about 800 damage. However, crit Ashe still has higher AS, so crit Ashe wins out by ~800 damage in 10 seconds of attacks.
Still, crit Ashe's success depends on whether she actually gets 70 crits out of 100 attacks, and AD Ashe would just build more AD to out-do crit Ashe. However, crit Ashe could also build more AD, and get another Phantom Dancer for 100% crit chance. AS Ashe still has a chance as well (just throw in some Bloodthirsters/Blade of the Ruined King).
Also, there are other builds out there, so AD Ashe could be built differently and get more damage. Crit Ashe could build a Statikk Shiv for magic damage, and AS Ashe could easily pick up some AD to capitalize on that max attack speed. These are just base builds, and could even be combined (70% crits that do 700+ damage?!).
Anyway, these are just my findings and opinions on the topic. If you guys have any better builds, or even different champs to test, or a more specific test target, feel free to make suggestions. I'll gladly test any other set-ups, so just ask if you want it tested.
Raids Crit Dmg Vs Attack 2017
In this thread I will compare the value of a full page of attack damage versus a full page of crit damage, in order to evaluate the significance of critical strike damage runes. I will account for the influence of the (10%) critical strike damage mastery by using shaded regions between curves. I assume that anyone who would be interested in maximizing critical strike damage would also build an Inifinty Edge, so the increased damage multiplier from infinity edge has already been factored in.
A full page of crit damage grants 46% crit damage. A full page of attack damage grants 22 ad. In the graphs below, the AD axis is the attack damage excluding the 22 bonus attack damage from the ad rune page; besides the increased crit multiplier, the influence of the 22 bonus attack damage is what differentiates one curve from the other.
The yellow region represents the full page of critical strike damage.
2.96x < y < 3.06x
The red region represents the full page of attack damage.
2.5(x+22) < r < 2.6(x+22)
One question is immediate, what is the percentage increase in damage of a full crit page over a full attack damage page, for a given value of AD.
In the following graph, the range from 1.00 to 1.14 denotes a percentage increase in damage ranging from 0% to 14%.
The upper bound of the orange shaded region is the percentage damage increase of a full crit page over a full flat attack damage page, without the crit damage mastery.
The lower bound is with the crit damage mastery.
(3.06 *x )/( 2.6 (x + 22)) < o < (2.96 *x )/( 2.5 (x + 22))
A full crit damage page provides approximately a 10% increase in damage over a full flat attack damage page for critical strikes, after accumulating 300 AD (excluding any runes) in either case.
Given that the effectiveness of critical strike damage diminishes with critical strike chance that is less than 100%, this 10% increase will translate to a much lower average damage increase, possibly as low as 2.5% (25% crit chance from infinity edge, which was assumed built and was factored into this analysis), but again that will further be reduced because a flat attack damage page provides increased damage on normal hits, whereas a crit damage page does not. You could even see a damage loss before accumulating a lot of crit chance and attack damage (a lot more than what the infinity edge provides).
The total value of a full critical strike damage rune page should not be buffed because of certain outlying cases that I have excluded from this analysis for brevity (Tryndamere).
The value of a full critical strike damage rune page should stay the same, but the number of runes required to access all of that critical strike damage should be reduced. Glyphs and Seals should be consolidated into Marks and Quints in order for the Critical strike damage runes to be a competitive, strategic, niche option. To reiterate, there should be no crit damage seals or glyphs, and a page of full crit damage reds and quints should grant 46% crit damage.
Currently critical strike damage runes are underpowered. Even in the extreme outlying cases for AD exceeding 500, the critical strike damage runes provide a paltry 12-13% damage increase over a full flat attack damage rune page, and significantly less of an increase over a full scaling attack damage rune page.
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