Why Click On A Dmg File Nothing Happens

Supported macOS versions

  • High Sierra 10.13.x
  • Mojave 10.14.x
  • Catalina 10.15.x

For OpenCore EFI installers
Use tribeam.sh script

GibMacOS + finalflash.sh
Alternativelly if you prefere to use GibMacOS instead of tribeam.shyou can use finalflash.sh script which will use either
the Recovery.pkg or the BaseSystem.dmg, just drop it inside GibMacOS after downloading the desired
version of macOS and run it from there fallowing the prompt.

Nov 07, 2019  Nothing happens when you click a link in Internet Explorer. Content provided by Microsoft. When you click a hyperlink on a webpage or in an email message, nothing happens. Internet Explorer does not open the webpage. On the Tools menu, click Folder Options, and then click the File Types tab. May 24, 2009  i can't install an application. When i double click the.dmg file, the window with the application opens. Then when i double click the application to be installed, it flashes on the dock for 2 seconds then disappears, and nothing else happens. This has happened with multiple programmes I have tried to install in the past few weeks.

For manual instalation read this.

Why Click On A Dmg File Nothing Happens I Love You

Tools you'll need :

GNOME Disks is a graphical front-end for udisks included in the 'gnome-disk-utility' package.
GParted is a free partition editor for graphically managing your disk partitions.
DMG2IMG comand line tool that allows you to convert a (compressed) Apple Disk Images
gibMacOS - An awesome tool from CorpNewt ( https://github.com/corpnewt/gibMacOS )
A USB drive 8gb+
Some patience..

Get macOS Installer with gibMacOS

Downloading the installer files fairly straight forward process but may take a while depending on your internet speeds.
To start extract gibMacOS and and open your terminal change directory to the gibmacos.command script.
Run it with ./gibMacOS.command
This will allow you to choose the macOS version to download. There's no harm with deleting dmg files in firefox.

https://golnordic.netlify.app/how-to-install-from-dmg-file-on-mac.html. Sep 21, 2007  Installation Process. Find the downloaded file, which usually ends up in your Desktop or Downloads folder. Double-click the.DMG file to mount it. A new Finder window showing its contents should appear. If the window also contains a shortcut icon to.

In my case I chose option 1. It will download the macOS installer files.
Make sure that BaseSystem.dmg is downloaded completely thats what we will use to create the installer
Once downloaded you can proceed to the next step.

Creating the macOS Install USB

Find BaseSystem.dmg inside /gibMacOS-master/macOS Downloads/publicrelease/
Drag it to your desktop or somewhere else if you prefer.
Open your terminal and change directory to where the BaseSystem.dmg file is in my case:
cd Desktop
Then run dmg2img BaseSystem.dmg base.iso it will convert the the dmg file to iso file named base.iso
Open Disks AKA 'Gnome-Disk-Disk-Utility' and drag base.iso to it and hit start restoring.This will take a wile.

Once it is done restoring the iso open up Gparted and select your usb-drive.

Rigth click in the unallocated space hit new

In File system select fat32 and in lable type EFI

Hit apply

Once done applying changes righ click on your new EFI partition and hit Manage Flags

Select boot and esp

Now whe need to mount the EFI partition
The easiest way is to open up Disks again and mount it that way

When i do the alias nothing happens.PLease clarify thanks!Hi,I don't completely understand your question, but to simplify what the sentence says:. How to make a dmg a normal folder. The source folder or the destination folder?Drag what to the DMG the source applications folder or the Alias?

Now you should see an empty EFI partition in your file system

For OpenCore

Download OpenCore-x.x.x-RELEASE.zip
Extract it and drop OpenCore EFI folder in the EFI partition we just created
and fallow the OpenCore Vanilla Guide.

For Clover

Download CloverISO-xx.tar.lzma
Extract it then extract the iso as well and copy the EFI folder to the empty EFI partition


Now open EFI/CLOVER/drivers/UEFI and all we need there are:
ApfsDriverLoader.efi AptioMemoryFix.efi HFSPlus.efi


Now download your kexts here:
Place your kexts in /EFI/CLOVER/kexts/other
To know what kexts you need check this link:

You will also need AppleMCEReporterDisabler.kext on Catalina too.

This is how my kexts folder looks like

How much extra dmg does crit do maplestory. You should have a sample config.plist inside /EFI/CLOVER remove it.
If on amd cpu get your sample config.plist here:

If on Intel cpu you can get a sample here:

Make sure to learn the basics of config.plist

This shoud be enough to boot into the installer GOOD Luck!!

Credits to:

CorpNewt algrey Hackintosh Slav and many others

HomeHow to TipsWhat is DMG File And How to Open It

In computing world, DMG or (Disk Image File) is a file extension that belongs to Mac OS X. DMG file can also be termed as Apple Disk Image. The icon used equivalent to this file is an Internal Hard-drive. Disk Images are generally used worldwide in-order to distribute applications and software across the Internet. DMG file provides some attractive features that allow securing password along with file compression.
These virtual or physical Apple disks can be cloned from one to another. This is one of the powerful features of Mac.

Game boy dmg led kit. Tip: If you want to open and view DMG files of Apple Mac OS X so, you can try DMG Viewer tool.

Why Click On A Dmg File Nothing Happens

Why DMG Files Are Created?

Earlier, Mac applications made use of Resource fork. These are the part of file system on Mac Operating System, which consists of both the structured data and non-structured data. Mac could not transfer these Resource forks over the mixed networks. Hence, the usage of Resource fork dwindled and this was the reason that Apple created disk image formats(DMG). The Resource forks are very important as they contain Meta data regarding the file.

Mounting and Dismounting on Mac OS

It is equivalent to plugging in a removable drive, where E drive is automatically created and while removing one chooses ‘Safely Remove Device’. Similarly, you have to eject the Mac drive for both the virtual and physical.
Two Disk Formats supported are:

  • NDIF
    This was previously used as the default format of Mac, also known as New Disk Format. These files generally have an .img file extension.
  • UDIF
    The native disk format of Apple Mac DMG file is UDIF (Universal Disk Image Format) with a file extension of .dmg.

MIME Type of DMG File:

Supported File Systems

  • Hierarchical File System (HFS) – This was developed by Apple Inc. for the systems supporting Mac OS. Earlier, these file systems were used in floppy disks and hard disks but later were used to read CD-ROM as well. It is known as Mac OS Standard.
  • HFS Plus – It was developed after HFS, which is an extension of the same. It is known as Mac OS Extended.
  • File Allocation Table (FAT) – It is a file system generally compatible with all file systems and helps in exchange of data between systems.
  • ISO9960 – This is also a file system which was issued by ISO (International Organization for Standard) supporting various OS and helps in exchange of data.
  • Universal Disk Format –This is a file system usually used to store broadcast media like DVD and optical disk formats.

Why Click On A Dmg File Nothing Happens Free

How to Open DMG Files?

Dmg Extractor

In Mac:

  • When you download a Disk image, all the applications in it must be copied to the Application files, because many of these files will be in read-only format. Running these files inside the drives may produce some erroneous results.
  • Double clicking the DMG File will open the file and you can view the contents in it. It might be images, documents, programs, etc.
  • The DMG File consists of an application file. You can simply drag and drop to install them. If there is a possibility of having an installer, you can run these files instead of installing.
  • Right-click on the File >> “Eject” (click on virtual disk instead of, original file)
    Delete the old DMG Files after installing. The reason is old files may take more space when we install new programs.

Dmg File Windows

Resize DMG Files

  • Right click DMG File >> Click Get Info (View the original size).
  • Open Disk Utility >>Select Images Tab>Click on Resize>>Select the DMG file to be resized.
  • Click on Open >>Type the file size to be reduced>>Select Resize>>Done

In Windows:
Originally, DMG files are the default Disk Image file for Mac. Hence, they can be opened only on Mac OS.
Since there are no manual methods available to view the DMG Files in Windows, users can install external third-party software available online on Internet. DMG Viewer is one of the tools from such category.
The software provides you with the following features:

  • Open DMG File in Windows OS based machine
  • Read: Corrupt, Password Protected & Encrypted DMG
  • Recover permanently deleted files from DMG
  • Search a specific file type in large DMG Format Files

Why Click On A Dmg File Nothing Happens Will


Considering the ongoing necessity to view DMG files, we have described a manual process to let the users understand how to open & view DMG files. Else, users can take the help of a reliable third-party tool named as DMG Viewer. It is the best application that helps to read .dmg files in Windows OS. Users can use any approach as per their choice.