Attack Speed Vs Dmg Minions Poe

Generally, is it better to build damage or attack speed, and why?


Minion Speed Support Movement, Support, Minion Icon: e Mana Multiplier: 130% Requires Level 18 Supports skills which create Minions. Per 1% Quality: Supported Skills have 0.5% increased Minion Movement Speed Supported Skills have (25-44)% increased Minion Movement Speed Supported Skills have (25-34)% increased Minion Attack Speed.

asked November 21, 2013

1 Answer

Attack speed:

  • Attack speed affects all damage (physical or elemental)
  • Faster attack speed can apply Life on Hit faster
  • High attack speed will drain your mana quicker, so if you rely on mana leech at some point it may become unsustainable.
  • Attacking faster may apply critical strikes or elemental status effects quicker.
  • Not affected as much by enemy’s dodge/block


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Attack Speed Vs Dmg Minions Poetry

  • If an attack hits for a lot of damage in one hit a part of monster’s armor is bypassed.
  • Damage scales better with Hatred if you’re using it.
  • High damage has a chance to stun.
Attack speed vs dmg minions poe full

Generally for your skill tree you should focus on both attack speed and damage equally. The more you invest into damage, attack speed becomes even better, and vice versa.

Attack speed also scales better if your weapons have high base speed. So for example if you’re going for a 2-Handed weapon stacking more physical damage might be more efficient for you, and a fast attacking dual-wield build can benefit more by going for increased attack speeds.

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Attack Speed Vs Dmg Minions Poe 4

If you’re wondering whether to take attack speed or physical damage nodes in your skill tree, it should roughly be the same. But it depends on your build, equipment and other nodes as well, so the easiest way to find out whether you gain more damage with a 4% attack speed node or from a 12% physical damage node is to spend 2-3 Regrets and test it yourself.

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Attack Speed Vs Dmg Minions Poe Free

TL;DR: Minion Damage > Casting/Attack Speed
I've seen people 4Link spectres with Minion Life, Faster Casting and Lesser Multiple Projectiles.
Wouldn't it be better to replace Faster Casting with Minion Damage?
Minion Damage
Calculation (Min level):
100 Original Minion Damage
Raised 50% less damage
Supported 45% increased damage
Final = (100 + 45) * 0.65 = 94.25
Calculation (Max level):
100 Original Minion Damage
Raised 0% less damage (?)
Supported 77% increased damage
Final = (100 + 77) = 177
Faster Casting
Calculation (Min level):
100 Original Minion Damage
Raised 50% less damage
Supported 20% increased casting speed (which we can treat as more damage)
Final = 100 * 0.65 * 1.20 = 78
Calculation (Max level):
100 Original Minion Damage
Raised 0% less damage (?)
Supported 39% increased casting speed (which we can treat as more damage
Final = 100 * 1.39 = 139
Minion Damage gives 94.25-177 while Faster C/A gives 78-139.
These calculations seem to indicate that at both high and low levels, Casting/Attack Speed sucks for spectres.
(Big Caveat: ignoring passives and unique mods which devalue Minion Damage and Haste which devalues Faster Casting -_-)
Posted by
on Feb 26, 2013, 2:47:20 PM
your correct, plus minion damage applies to all damage types as well, where as faster casting/attack will only affect either a caster or fighter respectively.
people just look at what it does, not the value of the ability. which I find is very sad. My guides
Posted by
on Feb 26, 2013, 3:28:10 PM
You simply defalcate the fact, that you dont get the full damage of the minion-dmg-gem cuz of the passives/items, as with the normal ~ +200% minion dmg a +50% minion-dmg from gem are just 1/3 (cuz calculated with the base value). FCR/IAR are a new seperate value, and thus the whole effect counts, as there are (as far as I know)no items/passives that increase the speed of attacks/casting. (the speed is like a 'new dimension' and profits multiplicative of the +dmg from items/passives)
Last edited by Seelenernter on Feb 26, 2013, 7:42:12 PM
Posted by
on Feb 26, 2013, 7:27:57 PM
You simply defalcate the fact, that you dont get the full damage of the minion-dmg-gem cuz of the passives/items, as with the normal ~ +200% minion dmg a +50% minion-dmg from gem are just 1/3 (cuz calculated with the base value). FCR/IAR are a new seperate value, and thus the whole effect counts, as there are (as far as I know)no items/passives that increase the speed of attacks/casting. (the speed is like a 'new dimension' and profits multiplicative of the +dmg from items/passives)

Hence the caveat in the main post, I was hiding nothing. In fact, I was hoping for someone to reply with solid calculations and argument to prove me wrong. I was disappointed.
The turning point seems to be near +90% Minion Damage, which is the amount needed if you want to get all the 'Minions' nodes without getting extra Minion Damage nodes. If you get more than that from passives/equipment then Faster Casting is better, but not by much.
My build plan gives me +60% from passives and equipment so Minion Damage is better.
With no passives, Faster Casting is ~20% worse than Minion Damage. With all the passives it's ~2-5% better (depending on gem level).
If you have all level 20 gems, 20% quality and all passives then Faster Casting is ~7% better. If you add the uniques to that then it's 12% better.
However, for most of the game a Minion Damage support is better.
Brutus. Do you even sync?
Posted by
on Feb 26, 2013, 8:56:11 PM
Well your maths are wrong.
increasing the attack speed by 20% isn't a net augmentation of dps by 20%.
it's : 1/0,8 = 1,25 => 25%
and for the max one :
1/0,61 = 1,64 => 64%
Posted by
on Feb 26, 2013, 9:15:12 PM
Well your maths are wrong.
increasing the attack speed by 20% isn't a net augmentation of dps by 20%.
it's : 1/0,8 = 1,25 => 25%
and for the max one :
1/0,61 = 1,64 => 64%

Lets test this theory.
Lightning Warp (without any supports, passives or item mods is)
Cast Time = 1 Second (from tool tip)
Casts per second = 1.00 (from character sheet)
Lightning Warp with a Level 4 Faster Casting (23% Increased Cast Speed)
Cast Time = 0.81 Seconds
Casts per second = 1.23 (from character sheet)
So the 23% Increased Cast Speed has improved my Casts per second by 23% and not reduced my cast time by 23%.
This means the percentage on a Faster Casting support gem can be treated as a straight percentage damage multiplier.
Brutus. Do you even sync?
Posted by
on Feb 26, 2013, 9:36:33 PM
your cast time has decreased by 23% : 1(sec)/1,23 => 0.81sec
So this mean that in 1sec you will now cast .. 1(sec) / 0.81 => 1,23 spells
So the net dps gain is now : 1/0.77 => 29% and not 23%
Decreasing/increasing cast time is tricky :p
Last edited by nemeros on Feb 26, 2013, 9:56:30 PM
Posted by
on Feb 26, 2013, 9:54:53 PM
your cast time has decreased by 23% : 1(sec)/1,23 => 0.81sec
So this mean that in 1sec you will now cast .. 1(sec) / 0.81 => 1,23 spells
So the net dps gain is now : 1/0.77 => 29% and not 23%
Decreasing/increasing cast time is tricky :p

So tricky I fear you have confused yourself.
You say that the dps gain is given by 1 divided by 0.77, yet this 0.77 seems to have been pulled from thin air. It is clear the casts per second is 0.81 as you have stated above.
The new DPS is given by 1 over 0.81 which is clearly 123% of the original damage.
Hence, you are either a troll or something far worse.
Brutus. Do you even sync?
Last edited by AnnanFay on Feb 26, 2013, 10:23:47 PM
Posted by
on Feb 26, 2013, 10:17:33 PM

Minion Speed Support Poe

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