Crit Atk Crit Dmg Maple M

Boss Accessory Set: Description None Equipment(s) Aquatic Letter Eye Accessory. Condensed Power Crystal Enraged Zakum Belt Horntal Necklace Crystal Ventus Badge. Aug 19, 2018  MapleStory M Phantom Skills (KR - English Translation) by Sabidy Babidy Hey there! My name is Sabidy Babidy and I am a MapleStory YouTuber / Streamer. Keep in mind I do not speak Korean, this is done with Google translate and edited to make sense in English. Crit atk and crit dmg means WHEN you crit, it’s in the amount of crit atk and you gain the amount of dmg% and that is ur final damage if you crit. So if I want to see if an10% crit dmg item is better than you 50 crit atk item, you add 50 to atk while leaving everything else the same, and then reset and add 10% crit dmg to dmg% and compare.

I got my gloves to legendary 8% crit damage and other two lines not useful. I don't know if that is as high as it goes, but I heard one line crit damage % is better than like 21% main stat. Is this true?
I am a nightlord with 100% critical rate. 36% critical damage without gloves. 44% with gloves.
Edit: In battle statistics, my 9%luk glove (but also higher atk) is better, but that is because my %luk and att is pretty bad atm. Im talking about for the long-run is 8% crit damage really good and I should keep the potential?
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[English] Command your crew to fight for you! Corsairs summon NPCs (Non-playable characters) to fight for you. Fight from afar with your trusty gun.

Pirate is a class that uses MAGIC as their primary form of attack and damage. Its class is dependent on the player's luck as its skills such as Scurvy Summons, Luck of the Dice, Majestic Presence, Quickdraw, Double Down are random and based on chance. This class has low evasion, health and magic defense, which makes it vulnerable to bosses such as Zakum that deals lots of magic damage.

[Español] ¡Comanda a tu tripulación a que pelee por ti! La clase Corsair invoca ayudantes ( NPCs ) para que peleen por ti. Pelea desde lejos con tu pisto-lita.

[Português] Comande sua equipe para lutar por você! Corsair convocam ( NPCs ) (personagens não jogáveis) para lutar por você. Lute de longe com sua arma confiável

[Deutsch] Kommandiere deine Crew damit sie für dich kämpft. Korsaren beschwören NPCs (Nicht-Spielbare-Charaktere) die für ihn kämpfen. Kämpfe aus der Ferne mit deiner treuen Kanone.

1st Job Skills - Level 0[edit | edit source]

Double ShotActiveFire 2 consecutive shots at the enemy.
Somersault KickActiveSomersault backwards, sweeping nearby enemies with a devastating kick.
OctopushPassiveDouble jump to reach even greater heights. Jump distance increases as skill level rises.
Quick MotionPassiveBecome more nimble and increase your SPD.
Shadow HeartPassiveIncrease the chance of dealing Crit damage to the enemy.
DashPassiveUse -> -> to activate this skill and instantly increase SPD and JMP.

2nd Job Skills - Level 30[edit | edit source]

Triple FireActiveFire 3 consecutive shots at the enemy.
Magnum ShotActiveBlast enemies with extreme speed.
Recoil ShotActiveQuickly fire a single bullet while evading backward.
Scurvy SummonsActiveSummon a random crewman from the Nautilus to attack your enemy.
Bullet BarrageBuffTemporarily increases Crit DMG RES.
Gun BoosterBuffTemporarily increases gun ATK SPD.
Gun MasteryPassiveEngage in some target practice to increase ACC.
Physical TrainingPassiveUndergo intense physical training, permanently raising your recovery.

3rd Job Skills - Level 60[edit | edit source]

Crit Atk Crit Dmg Maple M On Youtube

BlunderbusterActiveFire a scattershot blast that damages multiple enemies.
Bullet SmashActiveFire a giant bullet that damages and pushes back enemies.
Octo-CannonActiveTemporarily summon an octopus, which fires in all directions to blast nearby enemies.
Cross Cut BlastBuffMark your bullets, temporarily making them more powerful.
Luck of the DieBuffRoll a die to test your luck, depending on the result you may receive a buff to aid you in combat. 7 is only available is double down is learned.

1= Nothing 2= DEF Increase 3= HP/MP Increase 4= Crit ATK Increase 5= DMG Increase 6= EXP Increase 7= Crit DMG Increase.

All AboardPassiveIncreases the number of pirates summoned by Scurvy Summons to 2 and boosts their DMG.
Outlaw's CodePassiveGain a permanent boost to Max HP and Max MP through strict adherence to the Outlaw's Code.
Fullmetal JacketPassiveCoat your bullets with iron for increased Crit DMG.

4th Job Skills - Level 100[edit | edit source]

Maplestory M Crit Dmg Vs Crit Atk

Rapid FireActiveBombard your enemies with a rapid hail of bullets. Hold down the skill button to fire continuously.

You can move left and right while firing.

Eight-Legs EastonActiveSummon a giant octopus that fires a fusillade of bullets.
Battleship NautilusActiveOrder the Nautilus to let loose a barrage of attacks on your enemies.
Brain ScramblerActiveTarget enemies' pressure points to increase Crit ATK.
ParrotargettingActiveRelease a parrot that marks the enemy, allowing for focused fire.
BroadsideActiveSummon the Nautilus and it's crew to attack the enemy. Ignores damage reflection.
Jolly RogerBuffAdopt the attack of a fearless pirate to decrease incoming damage.
CounterattackPassiveUse the enemies' attacks against them to deal even greater damage.
Double DownPassiveIncreases the numbers on the die to 7 and adds a chance to roll 2 dice.
Ahoy MateysPassiveUse your tremendous leadership skills to gather a pirate crew and gain temporary stat boosts.

Valerie= ATK Increase. Jack= DEF Increase. Muirhat= HP Increase. Cutter= Crit DMG Increase

Majestic PresencePassiveAwe an enemy with your dashing demeanor, gaining a chance to deal additional damage with an exploding bullet.
QuickdrawPassiveIncreases MAG ATK incrementally when attacking.

Crit Atk Crit Dmg Maple Mall

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