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Chewing most vitamins won't cause any harm, but it may affect the absorption of nutrients. Some types of vitamins, such as enteric-coated brands, should never be chewed. The biggest downside is likely to be the unpleasant taste experience of chomping on a vitamin that wasn't meant to be chewable.

Basic Information: What is Neuro-DMG In this review, FoodScience of Vermont’s dietary supplement Neuro-DMG is scrutinised to help clarify its qualities and defects in order to allow potential clients to start their treatment with the product or not. Designed for people dealing with memory and focus problems, the Neuro-DMG promises a support to oxygen utilization so the whole organism. FoodScience of Vermont Angamik DMG 250mg 90 Tablets can help you get the most out of your body by starting at the cellular level, Dimethylglycine (DMG) is produced naturally within the body, but taking in in larger amounts can increase its effects.

It's safe to chew most types of vitamins, but there are some exceptions.

Chewing Regular Vitamins

Read the directions on the label before deciding whether to chew a regular vitamin. If the instructions say to swallow it whole, or if your physician told you to take it whole, then don't chew the vitamin.

As long as the directions don't tell you otherwise, you can feel free to chew most vitamins. They may also be cut in half or crushed and mixed with food, advises Nature Made.

In addition to making it easier to swallow, chewing or crushing the vitamin has another benefit: The smaller pieces allow it to be absorbed more quickly.

Enteric-Coated, Time-Release and Dissolvable Vitamins

Never chew enteric-coated vitamins, time-release tablets or supplements meant to be dissolved in your mouth. Dissolvable supplements are designed to be absorbed in the mucous membranes of your mouth, which boosts absorption of some vitamins, such as vitamin B-12. If you chew dissolvable tablets, or those with a time-release coating, fewer nutrients will be absorbed.

Enteric coating is used to protect nutrients that would be damaged by stomach acid. The coating stays intact through the stomach, dissolving only after the vitamin reaches the small intestine, where it can be absorbed. If you chew this type of supplement, you'll ruin the effect of the enteric coating.

Vitamin C Considerations

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Vitamin C is a natural organic acid called ascorbic acid. If you chew vitamin C supplements instead of swallowing them whole, the acid has the potential to erode tooth enamel. If your stomach is sensitive, it may also cause heartburn or an upset stomach.

Food Science Of Vermont Products

This may only be a problem if you take large doses, but if the acid bothers you, don't chew vitamin C tablets. You might also consider getting buffered vitamin C supplements that neutralize the acidity, such as calcium ascorbate or magnesium ascorbate, suggests Orthomolecular Medicine.

Vitamin Options


If you have a hard time swallowing tablets, try buying caplets, capsules and softgels, which are easier to swallow than dry tablets. If you struggle to get them down, you can always chew or crush all three types. Obviously, liquid supplements are the easiest to swallow, but powders are a less expensive option, reports All Star Health.

Chewable vitamins are an obvious option, but they have a few disadvantages, such as sugar and artificial flavoring and coloring. Some chewables contain 2 to 3 grams of sugar in a dose. By comparison, 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar has 4 grams of sugar.

Tips for Swallowing

A new technique for swallowing pills may help. A study in the Annals of Family Medicine in November 2014 reported that people had a much easier time taking pills when they used a soda bottle filled with water. The trick is to put the pill on your tongue, keep your lips tight around the bottle, then use a sucking motion to swallow the water and pill.

Food Science Of Vermont Vitamins

Aller-DMG has been specifically formulated combining well-researched nutrients to help relieve hayfever, respiratory and nasal discomfort as well as skin irritation due to food and environmental pollutants. Each nutrient has targeted beneficial effects that can help regulate histamine levels and improve respiratory function. This exceptional supplement helps modulate the immune system, helps reduce histamine release and helps alleviate symptoms associated with all allergies and asthma whilst also representing serious therapeutic support for those with chronic allergies.
Perilla, a member of the mint family, has been shown to inhibit the release of histamine from the mast cells thus helpng to alleviate the symptoms of hayfever and other allergic reactions. Dimethylglycine (DMG) derived from beets, helps not only to oxygenate the tissues of the respiratory tract but also has an immuno-modulating effect thus reducing the intensity of the allergic reaction.

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Dosage: Take two chewable tablets daily.