How To Do Dmg Damage On Garen E

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Garen:TOP Damage/Tank. Garen build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Garen Strategy Builds and Tools. Oct 09, 2019 why is garen able to do this much dmg now?? Garen season 9 top gameplay! - league of legends solorenektononly. One ap jarvan e can do how much damage?? Jarvan season 9 top gameplay! Jul 21, 2019 WHY IS GAREN ABLE TO DO THIS MUCH DMG NOW?? GAREN SEASON 9 TOP GAMEPLAY! FED GAREN - 1 SPIN = 2500 DAMAGE - Duration: 10:16. Godzu 22,149 views. Perfect 200 IQ Outplays Montage.

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You counter Galio as Garen pretty hard, and he is melee.


Ekko is very slippery, but if you silence him you are good.


How To Do Dmg Damage On Garen Engine

yasuo can out damage you easily, so watch out for his engages. If he is too far pushed, you can q then run


His blinds are annoying, and he can kite you, but if you can silence him, you are set.


Darius is another huge counter to garen, he will out damage you, the only way to beat darius is to get frequent ranks, and more farm. Be very cautious.


As Garen, your goal is to dominate the later and split push. In order to get the edge early, beat your lane to lane, sit in bush closest to their tower, and wait. If they walk to you before minions spawn, q them and run. Repeat this as many times in lane as possible.
When you are using your q, use your e right after, in order to get maximum burst damage, make sure you can keep your enemy in your spinning circle of death as long as possible. At four spins, (after you have built your lethality items) you deal true damage. This will burst them down very quickly, and you can get very aggressive.
If you dive under tower, use W right before hand, and you will minimize damage taken, and will often result in a kill for you.

What not to do

This build. Ever. Just kidding, do not build the lethality items and IE if you are beyond the point of redemption. You can still build BC and Lord Dominik's/Mortal Reminder, but build tank after.
Do not bush-Q riven or Darius. You will more than likely be burst dow in an instant, unless you are ahead.

Pros / Cons


How To Do Dmg Damage On Garen Edge

    You can burst everything down quickly
    you are demacia
    you crit
    You are squishy
    You get kited easily

Ranked Play

Do not play this in ranked.


Q minions, and e them. Watch as your farm grows.

Team Work

You wait for someone to CC a target, or initiate a fight, and q then spin. you will want to fight the squishes first, then tanks. You do have peel, so you can fight tanks as well.

Finally done with this guide.

This build is very very fun. Your role is the Garen carry. Build at your ow discretion. Please only build this in Normals

How To Do Dmg Damage On Garen Eyes

How to do dmg damage on garen eyes

How To Do Dmg Damage On Garen Error
