Why Would Smn Do More Dmg Than Blm

Aug 04, 2015  Which is my main point.SMN (and to a lesser extent BLM) damage doesn't show up properly on parsers, I believe this is likely one of the main reasons there's a distinct lack of SMNs compared to other classes in 'extreme' content such as coil/alex(savage). Apr 21, 2017  Smn requires MUCH more skill to do high dps than Blm. The fact that Smn does more AoE and Blm does more ST does not mean they do the same damage. You literally confirmed what I said. I never claimed that Smns did less AoE, but as most raid and EX primal scenarios are primarily ST, a blm is going to do more damage.


Why Would Smn Do More Dmg Than Blm Free

Can someone explain to me the difference between what the 3 different caster dps classes do? I was in beta which has obviously been a while ago & wasn't able to play that far into the game because of really crappy internet that prevented me from doing some dodge an attack this quest mob does or you'll get 1 shot but you need this quest to progress in the game (if that made any sense lol) quest. Now I'm doing a free trial (couldn't do one when I got good internet because of the couldn't have done beta restriction on trials) and looking into possibly getting the game if I enjoy it. But there's so little information online about the game it kinda concerns me. Any help is appreciated.